
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Statement: Fresh Fighting at Magenis between Riek’s and Gatwech’s Forces

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Press Statement

27th/12/2021, AD

Today this morning at around 5:00AM, East African Time, heavy fighting was on, between the forces loyal to the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar, and the forces under the command of 1st/Lt General Simon Gatwech Dual, at Magenis.The battle lasted for (6)hrs and later on, led to the fall of the three bases, “Amut, Korwai and Kola respectively.The deadly battle claimed many lives including the (5) generals out of junior officers, NCOs, and men at the side of the enemy.
Therefore, we captured (5) Land Cruisers mounted with various weaponries.
(1) Vehicle with Zuu-23

Here are weapons

A-(1) 14.5, Machines guns.
B-(2) Recket Launches, (Recoils)
C-(1) BM-12
D-(1) Zuu-23
E-(2) 82MM
F-(6) 12.7
G-(34) PKM and a good number of AKM-47

Now as I am writing the report, the frustrated forces loyal to the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar have lost power and are in the verge of surrendering to a government military base at “Kuek” which lies at the western bank of the Nile.

The fighting marks the end of Dr. Riek Machar’s present in the Northern Upper Nile once, and for all.

The leadership of the SPLA (IO) under the command of the 1st/Lt General Simon Gatwech Dual, advised the government to stop Dr. Riek Machar’s political maneuver that aims to kill innocents during the peace time, while himself, and his cohorts are enjoying in expense of others.

More updates are still coming!

Gen. William Gatjiath Deng, SPLA (IO) Army Spokesperson, Magenis/South Sudan.

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