
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

In the War between Ukraine and Russia, Choose Not Any Side but Think of Your Continent – AFRICA

4 min read
Kur Wel Kur

Kur Wel Kur

Ukraine: The Reflection of African Destruction.

By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia

Sunday, March 06, 2022 (PW) — Fluid or lucid, this war is a glimpse of a greater war. You could choose sides, especially that of the weak (Ukrainians’ side), or the gravity of the “might is right “, could pull you to support the Russians with their President, Vladimir Putin.

Almost all wars aren’t black and white; they harbour lots of patches, the grey areas that challenge the understanding of many. This could be one of many worries.

However, the worrisome worry is the metamorphosis of the Europeans’ cruelty on Africans. History is, or histories are still fresh, freshly bleeding on pages (books) and in clips streaming black and white pictures. 

Apart from harvesting African bloods and enslaved them in Americas in 1500s, and the spreading of fake religion—Christianity with a terrible lie of a “son born of Virgin Mary”, colonisation of Africa was, and still is a tragedy. Africa is still being harmed in lots of different ways.  Africa isn’t keeping up with a snake that’s shading its skins as fast, faster than the light. 

So, seeing Ukrainians blowing themselves up with bridges to stop Russian military tanks from entering Kyiv, Ukrainian capital city, isn’t an event to enjoy, but a foreshadowing lesson for Africans.

The war in Ukraine is so contained in Ukrainian soil because it’s in Europe. It’s not spreading any sooner. Ukrainians will be dying thinking that they’re defending their soil, and the Western giants will keep on sending their sympathies and military aides, but sooner or later, Ukrainians will realise that they’re fighting others’ war, testing the capabilities of new technologies and gadgets.

So, assume the indirect conflict of Western allies and Russia break out in African continent… any of your worse guess is a correct guess.

US dotted the African continent with her military bases. 30 or more bases are operational in Africa. Russian has planned to establish her six military bases in the following countries: Sudan, Eritrea, Egypt, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Central Africa Republic.  

Seeing this, reminds you of a snake shading its old skin. These paranoid military giants are creeping back into Africa in the name of allies, our allies! Recently these so-called allies were addressed as colonies. You see the metamorphosis? This adventure isn’t for raw materials looting, although it is one of the reasons, but it’s a search for a battlefield thousand miles away from their soils.

They can’t run out of ideas to harm the “little ones”, Africans and Eastern Europeans, the ones the giants sandwiched in the names of allies. 

These little guys, especially Africans must know that their views are worthless and weightless when it comes to big boys’ (bullies’) politics. Do you recall an alleged response from Putin to Kenyan ambassador to United Nations?

 Putin: “End Starvation in Your Country Before Lecturing Us On International Disputes”.

Whether it’s true or false (fake news), it mirrors what any of the big boys—the superpower and regional powers— would say to an African country trying the big boys’ words.

African leaders must change the cycle, the one that an African leader entertains small dreams. Big dreams are those that go beyond centuries! It’s like Africa, the continent, isn’t giving birth to the greatest heirs of her leadership. It does give birth to the golden sons and daughters in every generation, but her lights are being smothered as soon as they give off first rays. 

One of such lights was THOMAS SANKARA.  

This is one of his rays: 

We want to get our army involved with the people in productive work and remind it constantly that, without patriotic training, a soldier is only a criminal with power. That is our political programme”.  

Thomas Sankara (President, Burkina Faso) at the United Nations, 4 October 1984.

With this mentality, he was extinguished.

The author, Kur Wel Kur, holds a Bachelor of Science (Genetics and Zoology) from Australian National University—ANU in Canberra, Australia, and can be reached via his email:

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