
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Remembering Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny

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Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny

Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny

By Jok WaMonychok, Aluel Chol Ayuak & Mario Maker Malual, Abyei, South Sudan

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 (PW) — It’s with immense outpour of love and fresh memories that we write to commemorate the life of our beloved brother who we believe is watching over us in Heaven.  This article is dedicated to the life of Late Deng Chol Ayuak who took his own life in the early morning of 19th April, 2021. Deng Chol, the son of late Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny who was a renown gallant SPLA liberation fighter developed a mental health condition on 28th March, 2021, but showed signs of recovery after four days. Unfortunately, the relapse occurred after two weeks.

Late Deng Chol was a bright gentleman who was dedicated to family, country, and life purpose. He was working on his late father’s story with the team of Yen La Abyei initiative and he had submitted his part of the research when the tragedy struck on that fateful morning. Deng was resting in his room on the sixth floor in Cairo, Egypt when he threw himself down. He was rushed to hospital, but sadly pronounced dead by the doctors after tedious attempts to rescue his life. The story about his late father remains unfinished up to date due to the sense of loss felt after his passing on though we will work out the pieces together.

Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny
Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny

The saddest thing about death is the fact that many people who are beloved remain with unbearably unrecoverable loss. Mourners could turn up from all corners of the country, region and even the world to comfort family and friends. However, the woman who labored to bring the child to the world cannot recover from the loss. The woman or man who have committed their life to the deceased as partners cannot accept the loss. And then the peers – the friends who grew up together with them feel a void that cannot be filled. There are those we wish would rise from death, but in vain.

Deng Chol Ayuak was a man of his words. He was that man who would attest to something and you would be made to believe not only just what he was saying, but the personality he had developed for himself. There are people who value their reputations. Late Deng Chol valued his reputation so much.

Family Background

William Deng Chol Ayuak was the son of Cdr Chol Ayuak Guiny from Paguiny clan of Anyiel Chiefdom in Abyei Special Administrative Area.  He was the second born child to Thokriel Lang Juk of Akuar Community of Twic. Thokriel Lang Juk is the third wife of Late Chol Ayuak. He was born on 1st March, 1994 in Nyandeng-Adiang, a village in Wunrok Payam of Twic County, Warrap State.  Late Deng Chol was married to Agor Aguek Tong from Pan-Nyok Payam. They are blessed with their only daughter, Aluel Deng Chol. Late Deng Chol has other siblings both from his mother and other stepmothers since his father was a polygamist.

Deng Chol Ayuak was social, approachable, honest and loving. He had strong bond with his mother and siblings. He was also a family-oriented man who established a young family while he was still a student.

After his father, Cdr Chol Ayuak passed on in 2008, his mother Thokriel Lang Juk who is the daughter of Paramount Chief of Akuar Lang Juba took the task of raising and educating them. She worked as a prison officer besides small income generating business activities to cater for her fatherless family. Deng grew up feeling highly purposeful and this guided his every action and work.

Educational Background and Work Experience:

Late Deng Chol Ayuak started his school at Comboni Primary school in Gogrial East County, Warrap State and sat for Primary Leaving Examination at Emmy Robbins Primary school, Kuajok in 2010. He completed South Sudan Secondary Certificate at Juba Academy Secondary School, Juba in 2016.

After passing his secondary school with flying colors, late Deng Chol worked for Alekdit Money Transfer Co. Ltd in Juba as a Branch Manager in 2017, but left the job after winning a partial scholarship to Suez University, College of Petroleum Engineering and Mining in the Arab Republic of Egypt. At the time of his death, Late Deng Chol was a committed 3rd Year student perfectly determined to finish his studies and come back home to help raise his young family, siblings and contribute in nation buildings.

In his last days of his life, no one could expect his death to happen the way it had because of the facts that he had a large and caring family and friends besides a successful educational journey that was coming to a desirable conclusion. He was well positioned in term of family and education. The expectations were high from his family and friends that after is graduation, he would get a job with a big petroleum company. That hope and confidence in him was not enough and everyone was caught by surprise by his death.


Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny
Comrade Deng Chol Ayuak: The Son of the Late SPLM/SPLA War Hero and Liberator, Commander Chol Ayuak Guiny

Deng Chol Ayuak was an amateur football player who played and captained Al Nasser Football Club in Kuajok Football Association in Warrap State. Deng was social and loyal to everyone who was in the team and every player in that league knew him for his socialization. His teammates fondly remember him for his leadership and game reading.


Late Deng Chol Ayuak was passionate about life and patriotism. Below are his own words about life, patriotism and the people around him.

“Over the years, l never understood who I should be, I seem to have lost myself and felt no sense of belonging. Most of my friends would advise [me] never to isolate myself rather I should look for charity and a community to belong…all to felt [fall] in deaf ears. I recently realizes [d] my mistakes and took a concrete accountability for my fitful[fate]. All this came into reality after exploring my own self analysis. I have made self reflection, meditate[d] over and over until I figured out where I came from require[s] our collective devotion to reach to its final status. I’m the son of the soil, the[y] used to call me Deng Will Godson…for I am a son of God. Sometimes they call me names that are unrecognizable to me and my ancestors. I would always perceive them as jokes. I thank those who stood with me during these hard times ever in my life, I appreciate those who sent me words of encouragement, hope and faith. I love you all folks.”

About the authors:

Jok WaMonychok is the founder of Yen La Abyei, the initiative inspired by dire humanitarian and historical needs in Abyei. He is pursuing his Master of Arts in Economic Development and Policy Analysis at the University of Juba. He can be reached via

Aluel Chol Ayuak is one of the active members of Yen La Abyei based in Cairo, Egypt. She is a graduand of Business Administration at Ain Shams University. She can be reached via

Mario Maker is pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the University of Juba. He can be reached via

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