
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Eulogy amd Tributes to Comrade Aguil Chut Deng of the SPLM/SPLA Girls’ Brigade – “Katiba Banat”

12 min read

SPLM/SPLA Katiba Banat: Eulogy and Tributes in Living Memory of Comrade Aguil Chut Deng Achuoth

Lakes state Media (Australia): heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the family of our mother and a Liberator Late Aguil De chut Deng on behalf of Lakes State Media.


Date: 5/01/2022


With deepest sorrows and sadness, permit me to express and submit the heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the family of our mother and a Liberator Late Aguil De, chut Deng on behalf of Lakes State Media.

Lakes State Media executive were heartbroken upon hearing the tragic death of a passionate patriot, a vibrant, brave woman and a peace loving soul.

Lakes State Media is grieving and mourning with Madam Aguil Chut Deng family, wut Ayual, Twic East and Jonglei community for this sad moment.

To the immediate family members, you need to be strong and celebrate her success and several lives she has impacted before her departure.

May her Soul Rest In eternal Peace.




By Mengistu Makuei Chol (Australia) – Nyanpakou Comrade: WHY I WANT MAMA AGUIL CHUT TO LIVE SO I CAN TELL HER THIS STORY ONCE AGAIN.

If I can remember keenly, it was between the end of 1998, I and mum Marydit set on a journey back to Kakuma from Nairobi. She had gone to Nairobi for a treatment and after her treatment, as a businesswoman—sitting idle wasn’t her nature. She decided to go back to Kakuma to start her business afresh that was put to hold by her sickness.

I remember mum telling me that the money we had wasn’t enough to take us to Kakuma but above it all—she had fixed her hope on God. She said God will find us a way. So we boarded until Lodwar on a truck carrying some luggages. We reached Lodwar late that night. We had no enough money to board the next car to our last stop. So we took shelter on shop Veranda which was near the park. Mom removed the blanket that was in the bag and covered me.

Mom approached some Loaders who were loading a truck with dry-fish stuck up in bundles to know where they are going. The Turkana guy couldn’t understand her so I intervened to translate because I was both fluent in English and Swahili. The Turkana guy said that the car was going to Kakuma in the morning, so mom ask me to tell them if they can help us take us to Kakuma. They said demanded for money which we didn’t have. Mom told them that the only money left with her was 50ksh. That kind was kind, she told mom that if you will help us load the car we will take you free. Which to mom was a better thing to do.

She took out one of her trouser, joined the guys while I looked after our bags. To see how God works mysteriously. A big truck (MAN) show up in park entry opposite to where I was. I spot some Dinka looking pal alighting the car and then the woman coming out of the front passenger seat. That Woman was AGUIL CHUT. She knew mom all the way from their time in Panyidu (Pignudo) and Itang, Ethiopia. They start talking in Dinka, I alerted mom and she approached them. Aguil spotted her and her first word was “Nyanwutkaai ye yin” mama replied (ë xen aguil ê maa ke nyol ë) they both hugged. I was feeling some cold spasm of relief.

Mom narrated to her our story and predicament, she was at the verge of crying. Her tears were nearing—she rush back to the car brought out her handbag, removed some notes (nhom arapmoi) gave them to mom and took us to a hotel for accommodation. In the morning she took us for breakfast. After our breakfast, we had a ride to Kakuma. Upon reaching Kakuma, she gave me some sweets, biscuits and juice. Hired a mkokoteni for us to take us to the camp. I was put in a mkokoteni. They were proceeding to New Site, South Sudan .

She is a generous woman, a staunch patriot, a liberator, a mother, grandmother who has a big heart for others. May all the measures being taken to locate her by her family and the police bear results and that she is found safe and sounds.

By Eng. Jok Gai Anai (Juba): Aguil Cut: A phenomenal Icon of the SPLA Girls Battalion (Katiba Banat)

I would have done injustice to the cause of our struggle if I were to go to bed without a tribute to a fallen woman – a woman so phenomenal to the story of our country as Aguil Cut Deng. Relative to the struggle of our country, I can be considered so naive a child but I can also be considered a proud contributor of the Red Army Battalion.

The story of our country is that of struggle and displacement (Immigration). But in 2011, most of the displaced found enough reason to return home. Aguil and myself were some of the first to return. I met Aguil for the first time at Quality Hotel where most of us used to hang out. She showed great strength and energy and I must confess that I didn’t know how to handle her: a mother or a colleague??

Madam Aguil is so friendly and so was her younger brother , Garang Cut. After meeting with Garang, I became comfortable that hers was a family trait that was shared by other family members including Garang, one that spoke better Australian English than most native Australians!

Girls Battalion of the SPLA is a prominent one and Madam Aguil never hid this fact. A prominent member of this Battalion is Gen Abeny Nathaniel Anai Kur Agol. My mother in law also happens to be a member of this Battalion. And Mama Aluel (mother to Rin Tueny’s children) and a few more prominent women today. They were matronized by Mama Rebecca, Mama Ayendit, Mama Ageer Gum, Mama Nyankoot Kuot, etc.

I write this short note to console with President Kiir Mayaar. I do not remember any other fallen heroine of Katiba Banat. With this note, I send my sincere condolences to all iving members of Katiba Banat, our heroic mothers and to our country and all women still serving in organised forces today. We love you and we love Aguil Cut more!

@Jok Gai Anai

By Ring Mayar (Juba): Cde Aguil Chut Deng: Giant Heroine Has Fallen!

SPLM/A, South Sudan Breath Heavily. South Sudan Lost True Leader and Compatriot: Fly High Cde Aguil Chut Deng.

I salute you with 21 Golden Bullets Cde Aguil Chut Deng for your unmatched leadership and loyalty you forshowen during 21 years SPLA/M struggle against Khartoum Islamic, despotic-dedictorship reign.

Cde Aguil Chut Deng, with your sacrifices during 21 years liberation struggle, South Sudan gained its hard earned independence. Least we can do as people and country: we say and do is thank you Cde Aguil Chut Deng – thank you Cde.

“We as a nation and its people, we are indebted to you Beny, Cde Aguil Chut Deng”.

Cde Aguil Chut Deng was a Patriot, Brave, Patient, Kind, and Loyal to South Sudanese Cause to be Free, Peaceful and Prosperous Nation.

Cde Aguil Chut Deng you didn’t die, you only transitioned to another better world.

Until we meet again Beny Cde Aguil Chut Deng, South Sudan shed tears and grief heavily for your departure from our world.

Cde Aguil Chut Deng, Rest In Better Enternal Life.

With Hope,

Ring Mayar – Juba.

By Miyen Ayuel (Australia) 

Our cousin Aguil has set the bar so high when it comes to personal intergrity. Below is a line she used to say when she is shanting ” Ca ye piir atuum be ya mioc” ( I don’t betray my associates through gossiping for personal gains).

She coined this phrase in the time when people desperate for public positions would go to the people in high authority, and gossiped or betrayed others so to win favours/public positions or money. Nyanpakou Comrade detested that those manners.

She would rather died poor and with honor then to sell her soul. She worked with her hands to make a living( Aye yep eya kook) in her words.

She opted to campaign for peace and good governance. She advocated for the rights of women. She defeated the brutal parts of our patriarchal social systems.

I was touched yesterday when I heard one of her sisters( Nyan Weng) said we don’t need to mourn Aguilkai but to celebrate all she had accomplished in her public life and specially her huge contributions to the independence of South Sudan.

This is exactly the way to do it. Late Aguil achieved so much within a very short time. This needs to be acknowledged and celebrated. Big lose.

By David de Bion (Juba) – Cde Aguil Chut the Veteran of Ujuom Banat

In Military History of the Sudan the Battle of Jokou (March-April 1985) between the SPLA and the Sudan Army is called Ujuom Banat the Assault of the She-soldiers.

It is called so because it was the time the SPLA leadership sent Katiba Banat the She Battalion to the Frontline not for direct combat but support combat of medications and logistics to the soldiers on the Frontline.

Cde Aguil Chut was one of those She-soldiers who took part in the Ujuom Banat the Battle of Jokou . Cde Aguil passed on but her contributions in the liberation of South Sudan remains .

Heroes never die and so does Cde Aguil.

By Suzanne Jambo (Juba) – Senior Comrade Aguil aka Nyanpakou Comrade, she was an SPLA soldier during our liberation struggle

For those who may not know Senior Comrade Aguil aka Nyanpakou Comrade, she was an SPLA soldier during our liberation struggle. Although she went on to Australia at some point, immediately upon the peace and during the CPA she returned back home, South Sudan to do her part.

This was when I met and got to know her. She went on to live in villages and small towns even after having lived in Australia. She did some great work with our women. During the 2013 war, she pushed for women to join the peace talks in Ethiopia.

Senior Comrade Sister Aguil tried hardest to do her part. Frustrated, she returned back to Australia, but she always used social media to motivate others, always talked of our unity.

Big sister Aguil always reached out to me via messenger and we spoke at length about our unity in South Sudan and peace.

May her amazing brave soul RIP

Aluta continua

Suzanne Jambo

1st May 2022

By Ajak Deng Chiengkou (Australia): Remembering and Celebrating Aguil Chut Deng (on my time, I will be writing about Aguil Chut Deng in the coming days)

Do you know that Aguil Chut was the motivation that attracted Uncle Abel Alier to raise his hands, imitating his bullock’s horns? (Ref: the photo below).

…. With many speeches during the CPA thanksgiving ceremony (12/01/2005) at Dr John Gerang’s house in Lovington, Nairobi, the master of ceremony (Dr Yaac Arop) had restricted the event, and chances of entertainment were slim. There were many high-ranking officials at the ceremony, and Dr Yaac Arop kept the protocol with respect to the seniors. It was a rather restricted moment because who would be strong enough to give us reasons to smile or dance? However, Aguil, known for her great sense of humour, saw the opportunity because they said, ‘it was supposed to be about happiness’. Aguil Chut Deng interrupted Dr Yaac Arop, the master of the ceremony, with a song. Aguil had composed or remembered a song dedicated to Dr John Garang de Mabior’s mother (Gak Malual).

This was the day to celebrate Dr John Garang and the senior members of the movement for a job well done. Aguil was the unique version of a lioness who wouldn’t shy away from letting her feelings known, and she would grab the opportunity. Before she could pick the mic, her distinctive voice was already echoing loud with an invitation for all people at the ceremony to join her in the field. As she wished, Dr John Garang stood up and joined her, and everybody mingled in the field to dance. Excited, Dr Yaac Arop tried to pick the song, but he could only remember’‘yïn ë tiŋ cë leec”, part. The song goes like this: “Gäk eei, yïn tiŋ cë leec në Waŋguleida, Gäŋ Malual yïn ë tiŋ cë leec në Waŋguleida” (Gak, you are an appreciated mother in Wangulei. Gak Malual you are the appreciated mother in Wangulei).

Even if people were in Kenya, the fear of not looking the seniors in the eyes was real, but Aguil changed the dynamics. Those who couldn’t dance joined when Dr John Garang was seen in the field, and Aguil became the topic the day after the event. This was the ceremony attended by Dr John Garang, Salva Kiir, Dr Riek Machar, Abel Alier, Gordon Mortat Mayen, and many other elders who participated in the ceremony. Shocked by how people reacted to Aguil’s performances, Dr Yaac Arop said,’ what a moment? Aguil was cheered, and that is the moment uncle Abel Alier Kuai Kut raised his hands to imitate his favourite bullock’s curved horns because he couldn’t have the energy to dance like the rest.

If you didn’t know the motivation behind this image when that image was taken, now you know. Aguil Chut was a person to remember in every aspect, and I will be sharing short articles about what I know about her in the coming days. The series of these will be from my notebook.

Title: The Lioness has fallen: 27 years of Encounters with Comrade Aguil Chut Deng

She calls me Muony/Comrade Ajak


By Abiar Bol Manguak, The heroine had Fallen

The heroine had fallen, a spirit that was never shaken the heart of a million angels, the strength of a thousand. You were a giver of everything that God gave you, Mama Aguil, a shoulder to cry on in times of pain, a strong tower of support, a pillar of strength, a giant in the kingdom of God, a prayer warrior that chanced lives through prayer, a mother Theresa of this lifetime I admired the way you spoke and people obeyed your kindness that reached near and far we will never see you or touch you Comrade Aguil. We will never hear the sound of your voice Aunty Aguil, but we will remember you cause you were resilient, brave, and courageous our freedom fighter. You left a giant footprint for us to fill. Go rest, the heroine, for you have won your war. we love you, Nyanpakou Comrade.

By Amer Mayen Dhieu (Australia), Lest We Forget, the momma who never shy of breaking stigmatised life of a woman has fallen

The one and only woman who break all the barriers. Born and grew up in a society where women are celebrated base on their domestic performance: How well they cook, take care of household and raise kids. On top of all that; Nyanpakou Comrade taught us that you can be more than what they want you to be. She changed and redefined the definition of a good woman. The one that have a bravest heart for all. The one that doesn’t care to speak and use her voice. The true definition of resilience and strong lady. The momma who never shy of breaking stigmatised life of a woman who have chosen to live her life beyond domestic duties; that one woman who want to ensure everyone is liberated and taken care for. The one who stand for truth regardless of how bad it might be perceived. The IRON LADY. Our very own version of Margaret Thatcher. Mama Agum. Nyanpakou, Comrade Aguil Chut. Lest we forget.

Deng Bol Aruai Bol (Tokyo): Citizen Appeal to President Salva Kiir Mayardit for the Burial of Comrade Aguil at the Martyrs’ Ground in Juba, South Sudan

The people of South Sudan and international friends of Comrade Aguil Chut Deng would like to appeal to H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to consider Cde Aguil to be buried at MARTYRS/HEROES CEMETERY (Jebel) in Juba, South Sudan.

We further call on His Excellency and the SSPDF Command Council that Cde Aguil is posthumously awarded an appropriate commendation such as military RANK and MEDAL for her patriotic service to the nation during and after the liberation struggle.

Comrade Aguil may not have risen within the political or military ranks. Still, the people of South Sudan agree that her love for the nation was unmatched, and we think that her work is done, and it’s time for the government to pay respect to her and award her tireless work.

Time is running out for the body of Comrade Aguil to be brought to South Sudan. Therefore, we ask all fans, friends, and citizens to support this petition by SHARING it, COMMENTING on it, LIKING it, and making sure that all our politicians and decision-makers are lobbied and convinced to honor Cde Aguil, especially on behalf of all the ORDINARY CITIZENS who have made significant sacrifices for our nation.

She served her country with pride and dignity; it’s now time for her nation to honor her!

Thank you,

Deng Bol Aruai Bol


Red Army Foundation

Juba, South Sudan

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