
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bul Nuer Militias from Mayom County have Devastated Apuk Giir Area of Jur-Maananger in Warrap State

5 min read
Military Governor Gen. Aleu Ayieny Aleu

Military Governor Gen. Aleu Ayieny Aleu

Frequently, my community is bleeding but the government cares less.

By Baak Chan Yak Deng and Agany-malleher Geng Ayiei, Gogrial, South Sudan

Wednesday, 11 May 2022 (PW) — We shall defend our island in Apuk, particularly at Jur-Maananger areas, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. War does not determine who is right, only who is left.

There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter. We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. As you all know, older men of the Unity state have declared a war against us but it is the youth that must fight and die. Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories, let’s go and fight.

Extreme inequality is hurting us all, damaging economic growth, fueling crime, and squandering the hopes and ambitions of billions who are trapped at the bottom with no way out. It stops us from beating poverty and achieving equality between women and men.

Such stark inequality is not inevitable; it is the consequence of political and economic choices. With extreme wealth comes power and influence we’re living in a world where the rules are rigged in favour of the few and at the expense of the many. So while the wealth of the few grows greater, the poorest are left behind.

The inequality crisis is also being fueled by the use of tax havens that allow multinational companies and super-rich individuals to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. As much as $7.6 trillion of personal wealth is being hidden in offshore accounts, and it has a devastating impact on disorganized communities.

Dear readers, the civilians of Gogrial East were disarmed in 2017 by the disarmament authorities that were authorized by the President of the Republic, H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit. The aim was to stop the inter-communal conflict between Gogrial West & East counties which are more than peaceful now. We appreciated the President for

what he has done. The same President Kiir Government did not disarm the neighbours of Gogrial which has had a conflict of cattle rustling, theft, land etc. since passed generation until now. To make matters worse, the Government that disarmed the civilians of Gogrial armed and paid the militias of Mayom County.

On the other hand, the Presidential advisor on National Security Affairs, Tut Gatluak Manime who is being praised as ‘A MAN OF PEACE’ is a son of Mayom County, the home of those armed militias. The Governor of Unity State, Joseph Nguen Monytuil is also a son of Mayom County. The brother of Tut Gatluak, James Chuol Gatluak Manime is currently the commissioner of Mayom County where the militias come from. Now, how hard is it for the Government and these 3 powerful people and well-respected elders of Mayom County to fail to control their armed militias from attacking the armless youth of Gogrial East? There must be an agenda behind this motive!

We understand that the reason that President Kiir never formed the High-Level Committee to investigate the incidences that occurs in the land of Gogrial East between Apuk Giir armless youth & Mayom armed youth is very clear; Tut Gatluak who is the Security advisor to the President & Gov. Aleu Ayieny Aleu doesn’t give accurate reports to President regarding the incidences that always happen. If they do, then, why hasn’t the National Government ever done something to stop it? Even the Governor of Warrap State himself never visited the border to see how his people are dying despite the properties being looted on a daily basis.

What is the difference between the lives of the people of Gogrial East & lives of the people of Leer County, Twic Mayardit & Ngok-Abyei?

When the incident happened in Leer County, Unity State, it was taken as a serious matter, President Kiir immediately formed a committee to investigate the matter, which has stopped now. The same thing happened between Ngok Abyei & Twic Mayardit. It was taken as a serious matter by the Presidency. They formed a committee chaired by the Vice President of the Republic. What is wrong that the government ignores the incidents that always happen in Gogrial East? Are we not citizens of South Sudan?

Someone will ask, what happened to the Division 11 base in Gogrial East?

Since Division 11 in Gogrial East is also sleeping, they cannot fight civilians. They aim to make sure that there is security along the border and to stop incidents between the civilians of both counties. Unfortunately, they are doing nothing regarding the security along the border.

The Governor of Warrap State has never paid a visit to Toch to see whether there is security or insecurity along the borders, leave alone writing a Press statement or condolences. He only cares about accidents that happen in Tonj.

Lastly, in my own capacity as a concerned citizen of Gogrial East, I call on the National Government to intervene and form a committee to investigate the root causes of the incidents and how to stop them. The government should also disarm the civilians of Mayom County. If they don’t want to, then let them give the weapons back to the civilians of Gogrial so that they can protect themselves.

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