
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Release: Gen. Stephen Buay’s Rebel Group Stormed Mayom County Headquarters and Killed the Commissioner, Hon. Chuol Gatluak Manime, a Brother to Hon. Tutkew Gatluak, the Presidential Security Advisor

1 min read

BREAKING NEWS: Rebel forces belonging to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang captured Mayom County Headquarters and killed the Commissioner, Hon. Chuol Gatluak Manime, who is a brother Tutkew Gatluak, President Kiir’s Security Advisor and righthand man

BREAKING NEWS: Rebel forces belonging to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang have captured Mayom County Headquarters and killed the Commissioner Hon. Chuol Gatluak Manime.
Breaking news: Rebel forces belonging to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang have captured Mayom County Headquarters and killed the Commissioner, Hon. Chuol Gatluak Manime.
BREAKING NEWS: Rebel forces belonging to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang have captured Mayom County Headquarters and killed the Commissioner Hon. Chuol Gatluak Manime.
Breaking news: Rebel forces belonging to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang have captured Mayom County Headquarters and killed the Commissioner, Hon. Chuol Gatluak Manime.
Gen. Stephen Buay: How I Was Betrayed and Humiliated by the ‘NCPLM’ Party in South Sudan

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