
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan 24-Month Transition: A Genuine Extension or Politicians Playing Games?

2 min read
Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, a South Sudanese journalist, is the author of the book Freedom of Expression and Media Laws in South Sudan. He is also the Producer and Host of The Weekly Review: Making Sense of Relevant Topics and News. For more, keep in touch with his website

Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, a South Sudanese journalist, is the author of the book Freedom of Expression and Media Laws in South Sudan. He is also the Producer and Host of The Weekly Review: Making Sense of Relevant Topics and News. For more, keep in touch with his website

By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya

Monday, 08 August 2022 (PW) — There is a recent unanimous agreement by the R-ARCSS Parties for an extension by 24-Months of the Transition Period. Also that the same, including the Speech of the President, has been adopted and approved by Cabinet.

So far, regarding the arguments being made in support of and or against those moves, by South Sudanese, regional and international stakeholders, bodies and actors involved, they have been more or less revolving over the same issues that have time and again dominated the nature of this incomplete cycle of transition.

These include the several provisions and chapters of the Agreement that remain partly or completely unimplemented; the nature of the extension/amendment process of the R-ARCSS; as well as improvement with those who differ on some, most, or all that has been done.

A salient argument from the Minister of Defence Angelina Teny on Radio Miraya is that they are given the benefit of doubt, that “You will know in the next 6 months if this is a genuine extension or if politicians are playing games.”

With the extension (once a reality) set to start in February 2023, it is obvious that the next few months will make things clearer.

A lot of literature is already public about the crises in South Sudan since its independence in 2011, the continued armed conflicts, and how to complete the transition. Repetition may not be good here, but moving forward, what remains to be in harmony is how facts and truth can be applied to legitimate, right actions and approaches, including peace.

Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, a South Sudanese journalist, is the author of the book Freedom of Expression and Media Laws in South Sudan and the Producer and Host of The Weekly Review: Making Sense of Relevant Topics and News. For more about his work on related topics of peace, justice, and democratic transformation, visit his website, ROGERYORONMODI.COM 

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