
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Release: Ngok Lual Yak Youth Condemns Deadly Police Shooting of Peaceful Protestors in Malakal, South Sudan

2 min read

IDPs flee the Malakal POC on 18 Feb, 2016

Ngok Lual Yak Youth condemns the shooting of civilians who were attacked by military personnel who went and hunted them down while sitting at their chat venue after they returned from their peaceful demonstration.

Tuesday, 06 September 2022 (PW) — First and foremost, we, as Ngok Lual Yak, have condemned the military for shooting innocent civilians in their convergence venue where they were sitting while chatting after they had just returned from their peaceful demonstration.


The Military that shot innocent civilians has acted out of their mandate by attacking innocent civilians in their convergence venue while sitting after they were done with their peaceful demonstration.

Second, in a territory where there is the rule of police, the military can not prioritize and act on behalf of civilians when it is the duty of the police to respond to civilians who are demonstrating. Such a murderous act by the military is wrong and unlawful according to the rules of law.

So we called upon the government to set up Military Police to investigate military personnel who breached their code of conduct by bypassing police duty and went and hunted down innocent civilians and shot them while sitting at their chat venue after they returned from their peaceful demonstration.

The following names and photos are the impact results of the unlawful wrong code of conduct against innocent civilians committed by military personnel in Malakal, Ngokland, South Sudan.

1 – Pal Monywach Monyluak’s right hand Wounded

2 – Lem Deng Thon right hand wounded

3 – Chol Kaman Mabek Left shoulder wounded

4 – Chol Nyok Monylang left Elbow Fractured

5 – Juma Nyok Deng left shoulder neck wounded

6 – Bol Agoth Thon Right hip wounded

7 – Achol Chol Anguei Abdominal wounded in Critical

8 – Achol Gieth Chol wounded on her thigh.

May God heal the wounds of those injured by military personnel who commit unlawful acts out of their code of conduct by hunting down innocent civilians and shooting them while sitting at their chat venue after they return from their peaceful demonstration.

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