
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The challenges and opportunities for reviving South Sudan’s national economy

3 min read
Daniel Athior'o Atem Manyuon

Daniel Athior'o Atem Manyuon

By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, April 01, 2023 (PW) — South Sudan is a young country with a wealth of natural resources, including oil, minerals, and fertile land. However, the government has faced significant challenges in establishing a stable and prosperous economy since gaining independence in 2011. Despite these challenges, there are several opportunities for the South Sudanese economy to grow and prosper in the years ahead.

Agriculture is one of the most promising economic growth sectors in South Sudan. The country is blessed with vast stretches of fertile land, but much still needs to be completed due to a lack of investment and infrastructure. With the right policies and investments, South Sudan could become a major food producer and exporter than Kenya and Uganda, providing much-needed jobs and income for its people.

Another area of potential growth is the oil sector. South Sudan is home to significant oil reserves, but production has been hampered by corruption, lack of technical capacity, conflict, and political instability. With a peace agreement in place, there is an opportunity for the government to attract foreign investment and expertise to develop the country’s oil fields better, boosting exports and revenues.

Tourism is another sector that holds great promise for South Sudan. The country has unique cultural and natural attractions, including wildlife reserves and ancient ruins. By investing more and better in infrastructure and promoting these attractions, South Sudan could attract many international visitors, creating jobs and generating revenue(government can benefit from Dr Daniel Akech Thiong‘s already established consulting).

Finally, there is an opportunity for South Sudan to develop its manufacturing sector. The country relies heavily on imports for consumer goods, but it could become a regional manufacturing hub with the right policies and incentives. By developing a skilled workforce and investing in infrastructure, South Sudan could attract foreign investors looking to establish production facilities, create jobs and drive economic growth.

To realize these opportunities, South Sudan must address several challenges, including political instability, corruption, and a lack of infrastructure. However, with the right policies and investments, the country could become a significant economic player in the region, providing much-needed jobs and income for its people. Yet, they hope. But who’s there to listen and act?

                                                  Yet, they hope. They Can hope.


The author, Daniel Athior’o Atem, is a member of the Youth Transforming Africa (YTA) and can be reached via his email: DANIEL ATHIOR <>

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