
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dredging the Nile: Abdallah finally impregnated NyaNile  

3 min read

By Duom Peter Chol, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, April 15, 2023 (PW) — John lived in a small village surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and millions of domestic animals. He was a proud husband to 64 wives and a father to 13 children, including three with disabilities.

Among his children, NyaNile stood out as the most beautiful, despite being deaf and blind. She possessed supernatural powers that could grant anyone’s wishes for rain, cows, honey, fish, goats, sugarcane, and even methane gas.

Abdallah, who lived in a far-off village, was fascinated by NyaNile’s powers and began sweet-talking her 9 uncles to win her hand in marriage. Despite his efforts, he failed to convince them. However, Abdallah did not give up and continued visiting NyaNile’s village to talk to her father.

After 17 years of persistence, NyaNile’s father finally started visiting Abdallah’s village. Abdallah, a wealthy man with billions of silver coins and gold, became best friends with John and started visiting his village with precious gifts. John, in turn, would sleep in Abdallah’s village.

However, chaos erupted when Abdallah impregnated NyaNile. John’s family of 13 children, including three with disabilities, accused each other of collaborating with Abdallah.

Some children saw Abdallah as a good man who could renovate their leaking grass-thatched huts for free, while others feared he would take NyaNile and her powers away.

Amidst the chaos, Abdallah continued giving gifts to NyaNile’s father, watching as John’s family quarrelled. John, who took several silvers and gold from Abdallah, finally sided with the children who wanted Abdallah to repair their leaking roofs.

Finally, Abdallah succeeded in impregnating NyaNile, John’s daughter with supernatural powers. 

Amidst the jubilant celebrations of NyaNile’s pregnancy, some impoverished children couldn’t help but feel sceptical and uncertain about what the future held for them and NyaNile’s unborn child.

Despite the bribes and festivities, other children’s minds were filled with confusion and worry.

Note that NyaNile is River Nile, John is South Sudan and Abdallah is Egypt . 3 disabled children are Abyei, Ruweng and Pibor. 64 wives are 64 tribes. 

The author, Duom Peter Chol, is a concerned South Sudanese citizen who can be reached via his email:

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