
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

May the spirit of our collective struggle for independence keeps us united on this 12th-year anniversary in South Sudan

7 min read
July 9th anniversary in South Sudan

July 9th anniversary in South Sudan

Let’s stay united in the spirit of our fight for the independence of South Sudan from Sudan, not only during this year’s 12th anniversary of our independence but also before and after the forthcoming 2024 general elections.

By Dut Augustino Agei, Nairobi, Kenya

Sunday, 9 July 2023 (PW) — Witnessed from Sudan, instability reasons caused the South of Sudan to several years in exile. This lasted until Independence Day 2011. 12th year anniversary reminds us to keep the spirit of unity of the time we were fighting Sudan to move the country forwards and, by extension standard of the world. After this year, South Sudan shall be going for general elections. South Sudanese, for the first time, shall be exercising a system of democracy within the agreement of our nation struggling with the internal pinnacle of conflict, and this signifies the international community over reasons of fragility and any time soon capable to fight within.

Across several democracies worldwide, South Sudan going for an election without the nation going to war must do global news headlines worldwide over beliefs of the country’s background of conflict together with long-time public anarchy witnessed in time of memorials. Fighting before, during and after the general elections this year’s anniversary shall never address anything new to the international community, African Union and, by extension, regional community but already existing headline with a belief of miracle of alternative. Over reason of north and south prevention of conflict, this year’s anniversary must carry the lessons learned from the precedents of what Sudan went through in the prevention of the safest South of Sudan from Sudan in an example of good South Korea over North Korea and right away from witnessed break away places in the example of Djibouti and Eritrea from the main streams of the Ethiopian empire.  

Unlike Sudan, lessons are drowned from north of our country where SPLM leadership must observe fundamental principles of our nation founded on ethnicity diversity, where masses of our republic must always find leaders in a very democratised manner within the fact that whatever that never united the country must always never be allowed.  Whereas this year’s anniversary, South Sudan must address indifferent common ground since independence on 9th July 2011. Witnessed in different periods, people of South Sudan descent had been overseas for unstable reasons. This year’s anniversary South Sudan’s ruling party leadership must prioritise the coming back of our masses worldwide by providing a sustainable country. Also, marking this year’s anniversary is generally the moment South Sudanese marks 9th January 2011, the time we voted overwhelmingly during the referendum as a national journey in finding durable solutions of our selves’ determination.  

Anniversary, same are evaluation moment a situation where people under one nation must investigate the far travelled over the remaining journey of a country. Similarly, this year’s anniversary is the mass accountability of what the electorate must hold people they elected accountable for the service delivery under the ruling party of our nation. Secondly, anniversaries are developmental strategies of a milestone from 2011 to the present. After envisioning the future of South Sudan’s sustainable development, the national ruling party as for what the federal reform entails in one of SPLM taking the town to people, South Sudanese must embrace the unity of one nation founded under new Sudan during liberation struggle dissensions for excellent governance, South of Sudan. National progress according to Africa we all know .org. peace agenda must progress South Sudan from the third world into equal visions acceptable by the African community and worldwide.   

Besides the message of South Sudan’s sustainability, the recent national team qualify for the African League of Nations and perhaps worldly competition where the tallest people in the world should champion all the worldly sports. South Sudanese are gifted and talented to simply alter what the collective nationals can do within cooperation instead of otherwise. South Sudan’s positivity in current affairs is benevolent of the Khartoum peace agreement given the success and with all the efforts of the open-door policy of the internally displaced. The 2024 general elections will be better if leaders honestly use public policy to win the masses into SPLM. This 12th year anniversary, South Sudanese are yawning to hear the national agenda. The simple public policy tells what the party can do to change in the following duration of five years.

South Sudan, to the rest of the world, carries national reform in an agreement of what the common masses would wish to hear from our leaders in the race to state house. Politically, South Sudan, in the recommendation, should pledge the inclusivity of youngsters into government in balancing the liberators and developers of a nation. Simply University graduates stand a chance to compete in worldly innovations in the international system. Meanwhile, all-over South Sudan, anniversary time is coming together of a nation attempting all the newest ways forwards without forgetting to mention the participation of diaspora foreign policy.

In conclusion, marking the 12th year anniversary are a procedural way of catching up with the world from the common phrase of a newly independent nation. On a similar occasion, attending independence was a sacrifice made by our unsung forces who lost life for freedom. This made all of us South Sudanese to be partisans of our national event and witness overwhelming votes in the referendum on January 9th, 2011. This year’s anniversary is a transformative moment for South Sudan into a new era of better for the future. We are too honouring martyrs and everybody in peace efforts of the first Pope Nuncio to South Sudan, H.E. Charles Balvo, and Pope Francis for high instability. May all the national armies be within instructions of protecting national sovereignty and our nation’s flag instead of political interest. After the second world War, the founding father of the Israelis republic, PM David Ben Gurion, told the public on the anniversary day, Jewish being better in state of lands than land without a State.’

Finally, in all situations unpredictable, let us all observe the 12th years anniversary with a message of maximum forgiveness from individuals, communities, regions, and ultimately, the political level, where everybody from political divides in government and in opposition must get to understand that freedom of South Sudan independence was not about politics but having the country, our national values are defined within the system of ethnic diversity. One people, one nation. May the spirit of unity surpass the ethnic dividend. Our national anthem reminds us.

Happy 12th year anniversary day, South Sudan.

Dut Augustino Agei Dut is a respected member of Kenya’s South Sudan civil society group. He is a teacher at Comboni College in Khartoum and Juba, Sudan, and a scholar at the Institute of Diplomacy & International Studies (DDIS) at the University of Nairobi. He is also a columnist for local media groups in South Sudan. If you wish to contact him for comment, you can reach him at or

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