
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bright Star, the Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa

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Bright Star, Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa

Bright Star, Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa

Tuesday, 29 August 2023 (PW) — In a historic moment for South Sudan, the national basketball team, affectionately known as the Bright Stars, achieved a monumental victory by defeating China, the 24th-ranked team in the world, with a score of 89-69 in their first FIBA World Cup appearance.

The game took place amid an electrifying atmosphere, with jubilant South Sudanese fans filling the arena in Juba. Notable dignitaries, including Vice President Mama Rebecca Nyandeng, Senior Presidential Advisor Gen Kuol Manyang Juuk, Minister of Youth and Sports Dr Albino Bol Juk, and Minister of Peace Stephen Par, were also in attendance to witness this remarkable achievement.

Bright Star, Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa
Bright Star, Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team, Makes History in Africa
SSD NBA qualified for the Olympic 2024
SSD NBA has qualified for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Remarkably, South Sudan, currently ranked 62nd in the world, set a new record by becoming only the third team in FIBA World Cup history to commit just four turnovers in a single game. This feat places them in the esteemed company of the United States (1994) and Yugoslavia (1998). The record for the fewest turnovers in a game stands at three, accomplished three times, most recently by Turkey in 2019.

South Sudan’s dominance was evident throughout the game, as they led in almost every quarter and never trailed. This victory significantly enhances their chances of advancing to the second round of the tournament and avoiding an early exit. In Group B, Serbia leads the way, followed by Puerto Rico, South Sudan, and China. Puerto Rico and South Sudan are tied for second place, each with one win, while China has yet to secure a victory.

The Bright Stars made strategic adjustments for this game, emphasizing ball movement and perimeter shooting. Luol Deng, President of the South Sudan Basketball Federation and Assistant Coach of the Bright Stars, commented, “We didn’t make significant changes after the Puerto Rico game. We have a deep bench and learned a lot from that match. We simply elevated our game. We recognized that China was closing the paint to prevent easy baskets, but we successfully distributed the ball to our shooters, who delivered.”

Coach Royal Ivy, speaking at a press conference, praised the team’s shooting prowess, stating, “We had a lot of shooting opportunities, and the players displayed tremendous confidence in their shots. They remained unwavering and competitive, ultimately securing the victory.”

In an exclusive post-game interview with MTN TV+, Captain Kuany Kuany expressed his gratitude and excitement for the win. He attributed the success to the players’ unity and their execution of Coach Royal Ivy’s game plan.

Adding to the team’s stellar performance, Carlik Jones was named the TLC Player of the Game, amassing 21 points, 5 assists, 2 rebounds, and 1 steal. Marial Shayok and Nuni Omot also delivered double-digit scoring performances, with Shayok contributing 13 points, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists, while Omot added 14 points, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists. Notably, all players made significant contributions on both ends of the court, with South Sudan shooting an impressive 50% from beyond the arc, sinking 15 of 30 three-point attempts.

The historic victory was accompanied by the debut of 16-year-old Khaman Maluach, who became the youngest player in the 2023 FIBA World Cup tournament. Maluach made an impact with 1 point, 6 rebounds, and 1 assist in his debut.

South Sudan’s success in basketball extends beyond sports—it serves as a unifying force for the country and a celebration of its diversity.

The Meaning of “Bright Star”—the Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team

The term “Bright Star” holds deep significance in South Sudan, representing a symbol of heroism and resilience. To understand its significance, we must journey back to the late 1980s when the Bright Star Campaign was initiated as part of the liberation struggle for Southern Sudan.

Under the command of the late Dr. John Garang De Mabior, the Bright Star Campaign was divided into three phases. Bright Star Phase I, led by Cdr. Oyai Deng Ajak, and Operation Commander Cdr. Obuto Mamur Mete, was tasked with capturing key territories in Eastern Equatoria, including Torit, Talanga, Katir, Kor Iglis, and Liria, among others. These areas were successfully liberated by Bright Star I in 1988-1989, a historic achievement.

Bright Star Phase II was launched in 1990, with the objective of liberating Kaya, Lasu, Bazi, Morobo, Alero, Yei, and Lainya. Once again, the Bright Star Campaign achieved its mission, freeing these areas from the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF). In 1991, Bright Star Phase III, commanded by Cdr. Hoth Mai, aimed to liberate Western Equatoria, marking another success for the campaign.

However, despite the progress made by the Bright Star Campaign, the Southern Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) split into two factions in 1991, which led to a deviation from the campaign’s objectives. Subsequently, other operations such as Operation Jungle Storm (OJS), Operation Thunder Bolt (OTB), Operation Deng Nhial (OND), and Operation Nyachigak Nyaciluk (ONN) were initiated to continue the liberation effort.

In essence, the Bright Star Campaign was on the cusp of liberating Southern Sudan. Still, the factional split in 1991 derailed its objectives, necessitating the launch of subsequent operations to fulfill the vision of liberation.

Today, South Sudan proudly adopts the name “Bright Star” for its national basketball team. The name carries the heroic principles and unwavering determination of the SPLA Bright Star in its quest for freedom. As the Bright Star basketball team competes on the global stage in the Basketball World Cup, it carries the legacy of the Bright Star Campaign and symbolizes the enduring spirit of South Sudan.

With their remarkable victory over China, the Bright Star basketball team has already begun making history. South Sudan eagerly anticipates further success on the world stage, as the team continues to embody the spirit of the Bright Star Campaign—an enduring symbol of heroism and unity.

South Sudan’s Basketball Team Makes History

Report by Denis Lejugbo and Nana Alfred

South Sudan’s basketball team, the Bright Stars, made history on Tuesday by defeating the 24th-ranked team in the world, China, 89-69, in their first FIBA World Cup.

The game was played in front of a jubilant South Sudanese crowd that included Vice President Mama Rebecca Nyandeng, Senior Presidential Advisor Gen Kuol Manyang Juuk, Minister of Youth and Sports Dr Albino Bol Juk, and Minister of Peace, Stephen Par.

South Sudan ranked 62nd in the world also set a new record by becoming the third team with only 4 turnovers in a World Cup game. The other two teams to achieve this feat are the United States against Puerto Rico in 1994 and Yugoslavia against Greece in 1998. The record for fewest turnovers is 3, which has been done three times, most recently by Turkey against the Czech Republic in 2019.

South Sudan led in all quarters and never trailed in the game. The win gives them a chance to secure a second-round spot and avoid an early exit from the tournament. Group B is led by Serbia, followed by Puerto Rico, South Sudan, and China. Puerto Rico and South Sudan are tied for second place with one win each, while China has yet to win a game.

South Sudan team made a few changes to their strategy in this game, moving the ball more and shooting from the perimeter. South Sudan Basketball Federation President and Assistant Coach of the Bright Stars Luol Deng said, “We didn’t change much after the Puerto Rico game. We have a deep bench and learned a lot from that game. We just went to another level. We realized that China clogged the paint to take away easy baskets, but we were able to give the ball to our shooters and they made shots.”

Speaking in a press conference Coach Royal Ivy said, “We got a lot of shooting, and the guys were confident to shoot. They never waivered, never gave up, they continued to compete, and got the victory.”

In an exclusive post game interview with MTN TV+, Captain Kuany Kuany said, “I am grateful and excited for the win. I credit it to the players and them sticking together, as well as executing the game plan from Coach Royal Ivy.”

In addition, one of the newest bright stars Carlik Jones was named TLC Player of the Game after scoring 21 points, 5 assists, 2 rebounds, and 1 steal.

Marial Shayok and Nuni Omot also had double-digit scoring performances. Marial Shayok scored 13 points, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists while Nuni Omot scored 14 points, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists. However, all players contributed on both ends of the floor. South Sudan shot 50% from three-point range, making 15 of 30 attempts.

In addition to the historic victory, South Sudan also made history with the debut of Khaman Maluach. The 16-year-old center is the youngest player in the 2023 FIBA World Cup tournament. Maluach scored 1 point, collected 6 rebounds, and had 1 assist in his debut.

South Sudan’s success in basketball is more than just a sporting achievement. It is a unifying force for the country and a celebration of its diversity.

Meaning Of “Bright Star” “A Coded Named to Our Beloved South Sudan Basketball Team

By Pan-Africanist, Mading Chol Chayor.

In 1988, the Commander in Chief, late Dr. John Garang De Mabior had created campaign team for the liberation of Southern Sudan. The Campaign for liberation was code named ” Bright Star Campaign ” that was divided into three (3) phases. Bright Star phase I was commissioned in 1988 under Cdr. Oyai Deng Ajak and Cdr. Obuto Mamur Mete was appointed by Dr. John Garang as Operation Commander of Bright Star I.

Dr. John Garang De Mabior had tasked “Bright Star Campaign I” under Cdr. Oyai Deng Ajak to capture Torit, Talanga, Katir, Kor Iglis, and Liria in Eastern Equatoria. In 1988 to 1989, those areas were liberated by Bright Star I. Other forces under Bright Star I were sent to Upper Nile Region.

In 1990, the SPLM/A launched the second (2nd) “Bright Star Campaign II” that was tasked to liberated Kaya, Lasu, Bazi, Morobo, Alero, Yei and Lainya. The Bright Star II had liberated those areas fully from Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

In 1991, Dr. John Garang De Mabior as overall Commander in Chief of SPLA and overall Commander of Bright Star Campaign, had launched Bright Star III under Cdr. Hoth Mai that was tasked to liberated areas of “Western Equatoria” and the Bright Star III under Cdr. Hoi Mai was successful in liberation of areas of Western Equatoria.

Unfornately, As Southern Sudan was almost being liberated by “Bright Star Campaign (Bright Star I, Brigt Star II, & Bright star III), the SPLM/A had splitting into two (2) factions followed the collapsed of Magestu Haile Mariam in Ethiopia in 1991.

Dr. John Garang De Mabior with his determination with objectives of SPLA/M the leadership had designed another coded named ” Operation Jungle Storm (OJS)” to liberate Juba. The SPLA in July, 1992 launched an attack of Juba where gallant forces of SPLA captured outskirts of Juba that included headquarter of Southern Command of SAF based in University of Juba and Jebel Kujur and Lologo. Unfortunately, the SPLA forces after captured of Juba in July, 1992, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) had gained reinforcement from tribal militias under Naser Factions, that led to the withdrawal of SPLA forces from Juba outskirts.

In 1997, the Commander in Chief of SPLA and Chairman of SPLM Dr. John Garang De Mabior had launched second operational groups that included “Operation Thunder Bolt (OTB) and Operation Deng Nhial (OND).

Operation Thunder Bolt (OTB) under Cdr. Pieng Deng Majok Kuol, Cdr. Obuto Mamur Mete, Cdr. Gier Chuang Aluong & Cdr. Hoi Mai was given the mandate to liberated the whole of Central Equatoria that resulted in the fallen of Yei, Alero, Morobo, Lainya, Kajokeji, and other areas in Central Equatoria in 1997 under liberation and control of SPLA.

In the same 1997, the Operation Deng Nhial (ODN) was launched and was given tasks to capture Tali, Tindilo, Yirol, Yeri, Rumbek, Tonj, Warrap, and other areas in greater Bar el ghazal that happened successfully.

In 2002, Operation Nyachigak Nyaciluk (ONN) under overall Command of Cdr. Oyai Deng Ajak was launched to capture Kapoeta and Torit that was successful dislodged the SAF from their Garrisons.

All in all, Southern Sudan would had then be liberated by “Bright Star Campaign” since Bright Star had liberated areas of Southern Sudan from Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in 1989 to 1991 but the SPLA/M splitting into Torit Faction and Naser Faction in 1991, had failed the objectives of Bright Star (I, II & III) that led to the creation of Operation Jungle Storm (OJS), Operation Thunder Bolt (OTB), Operation Deng Nhial (ODD) and Operation Nyacigak Nyaciluk (ONN).

However, our beloved South Sudan Basketball team has been named “Bright Star” which is historical coded named for SPLA forces to attacked and defeated then Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in a total military championship. It is a great hero name for our basketball team of South Sudan.

Therefore, the “Bright Star Basketball Team” of South Sudan has the heroic principles of SPLA Bright Star in braveness. We wish our beloved Basketball team (Bright Star) to make us proud in the global championship of Basketball World Cup.

The Cup through braveness of Bright Star Would be at home (South Sudan).

All the best and success to Bright Star.

South Sudan for Africa in BWC.

Long Live South Sudan!

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