
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

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Press Release – UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) High-Level Delegation Visits Bor, Jonglei State

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UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) High-Level Delegation Visits Bor, Jonglei State

UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) High-Level Delegation Visits Bor, Jonglei State

For Immediate Release: UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) Delegation Extends Support to Jonglei State During Landmark Visit to Bor.

By PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd.

BOR, JONGLEI STATE – 26 September 2023 (PW) – In a significant diplomatic development, a high-level delegation representing the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), based at the British Embassy in Juba, embarked on a momentous visit to Bor, Jonglei State, strengthening bilateral relations and reaffirming unwavering support for the people of South Sudan.

The delegation, led by Madam Peggitty Pollard-Davey, the distinguished Humanitarian Adviser at the British Embassy, was warmly received by the Acting Governor and Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Hon. John Samuel Manyuon. This visit underscored the enduring friendship and collaboration between the United Kingdom and South Sudan, particularly Jonglei State, from the struggle for independence to the present day.

Hon. John Samuel Manyuon expressed profound gratitude on behalf of the people of Jonglei State for the steadfast support rendered by the United Kingdom and its partners, such as the World Food Programme (WFP). He reiterated the commitment of the Jonglei State government to ensuring lasting peace and stability in the region, assuring the UK government, donors, and humanitarian partners of unwavering support in facilitating secure and unhindered access to humanitarian operations throughout the state and beyond.

The Acting Governor further commended the UK government for its pivotal role in supporting peace initiatives between Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) through the Peace Building Opportunity Fund, a project facilitated by Peace Canal and other members of the Consortium.

In a forward-looking appeal, Hon. Manyuon encouraged donor countries to invest in resilience projects aimed at empowering South Sudanese citizens to transition away from aid dependency, thereby fostering sustainable self-sufficiency.

Madam Peggitty Pollard-Davey reciprocated the warm welcome extended by the state government and acknowledged the exemplary cooperation between Jonglei State, its partners, and the United Kingdom. She emphasized the delegation’s mission to observe and monitor projects implemented by partners such as WFP, while actively engaging with local challenges and opportunities within Jonglei State. Madam Pollard-Davey reaffirmed the UK government’s commitment to continue supporting the people of Jonglei State and South Sudan, despite resource limitations, highlighting the imperative of investing in long-term solutions for lasting impact.

The briefing session featured the participation of key state ministers, the Acting State Secretary-General, Madam Hester Waddams, the Political Counsellor to the British Embassy in Juba, and dedicated staff members from the British Embassy and the World Food Programme, including Ruth Musili, the Acting Officer-in-Charge.

This historic visit served as a testament to the enduring friendship between the United Kingdom and South Sudan, showcasing the commitment of both parties to fostering peace, development, and self-reliance in Jonglei State and beyond.

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Press Unit, Office of the Minister of Cabinet Affairs & Acting Governor

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