
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Environmental crisis prompts Ruweng and Unity State Youth urgent call for the closure of GPOC

4 min read
Nile Petroleum – Nile Petroleum Corporation | The National Oil & Gas Company of South Sudan

Nile Petroleum – Nile Petroleum Corporation | The National Oil & Gas Company of South Sudan

By Bol Dau Kuol, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, 25 April 2024 (PW) — As youth with unified voice from Ruweng Administrative Area and Unity State, we demand the immediate cessation of operations by the Greater Pioneer Operating Company (GPOC) in our vast expanse. In light of mounting evidence of environmental devastation, health hazards, and governmental inaction, we are issuing an ultimatum: GPOC must stop its activities within 72 hours or face direct intervention from us.

The previously fertile territories of Ruweng and Unity State have seen the relentless exploitation of natural resources by the GPOC. What was initially seen as a way to stimulate economic prosperity has transformed into a situation of environmental decline and human distress. GPOC’s presence has brought about distressing signs of environmental damage, such as oil spills, toxic emissions, and ecological imbalance, which have left lasting marks on both the land and its inhabitants.

GPOC’s operations have an impact that goes beyond just the environment. There are reports indicating a troubling rise in birth defects among newborns, which has further deepened the sense of hopelessness in our communities that are already struggling with the aftermath of corporate negligence.

Women, who serve as the cornerstone of both family and community, are now confronted with the unimaginable tragedy of delivering babies with severe malformations, a heartbreaking situation exacerbated by environmental pollution. This is unacceptable and unforgivable.

Additionally, the careless disregard for environmental protections has destroyed the livelihoods of numerous individuals. Many people in Ruweng and Unity State are facing the harsh realities of displacement, decreased agricultural productivity, and the disruption of traditional lifestyles. The ambitions and hopes of both past and present generations suffer alongside the decline of plant and animal life, all due to the influence of corporate greed.

However, in the midst of this crisis, the greatest betrayal emerges from the very authorities who are supposed to protect the rights and well-being of the people. Despite an increasing amount of evidence pointing to misconduct, regulatory agencies have chosen to ignore GPOC’s wrongdoing, allowing a cycle of impunity and injustice to continue. The trust in institutions that are supposed to enforce the rule of law has been eroded even more due to allegations of corruption, collusion, and bureaucratic inertia.

Environmental audit process was launched by the Ministry of Petroleum nearly two years ago and until now, no report has been made. Our government doesn’t give a fuck about it’s responsibilities. You know it, I Know, they know it, That means it’s up us to come together and stop GPOC from operating until they prioritize humans lives over petrodollars. We need bold un-ignorable action that confronts GPOC company. We refuse to comply with a company which is killing the future generations of south Sudanese around the oil fields.

In light of this urgent situation, we have come together and committed to taking decisive measures. With a shared desire for justice, we unite and present a joint ultimatum to GPOC: halt operations within 72 hours or face direct intervention. The intervention must be forceful since there is no listening ear to our plight. Standing strong and determined, we are ready to defend our land, heritage, and future against any further desecration.

The demand to shut down is not confined to Ruweng and Unity State; our fellow youth throughout the entire nation are with us. As we shall use brute force, our fellow youth around the country will stage demonstrations. This should also be striking a chord with everyone who values the sanctity of the environment and the dignity of human life. While we commence this demand for environmental justice, we call upon the international community, and all the organizations that protect the environment and the human rights to watch over us.

Whether the GPOC will listen to the demand for closure, or confront the united anger of determined young people who are prepared to protect their land no matter what, rest not with us. Those with power hold the key to the solution. As youth of Ruweng and Unity State, we will continue to speak out until justice is served. We have the ability to expel the said company if both levels of government remain insensitive.

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