
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Vote for Mawut Deng Manok as the new chairman of Adiang Mayomdit, Twic Mayardit, community in Juba, South Sudan

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Mawut Deng Manok as candidate for the new chairman of Adiang Mayomdit, Twic Mayardit, community in Juba, South Sudan

Mawut Deng Manok as candidate for the new chairman of Adiang Mayomdit, Twic Mayardit, community in Juba, South Sudan

By Eng. Kur Manyuat Makuach, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 (PW) — For nearly a decade, the Adiang Mayomdit community association in Juba, a proud and respected community from Twic County, Warrap State, has been struggling like a wounded animal due to a lack of competent leadership.

This community has produced eminent personalities in the past, such as the late Chief Paulino Cyer Rehan, who participated in the Juba Conference in 1947, the late Major General Kharbino Kuanyin Bol, who ignited the SPLA liberation war in Bor in 1983, and the late spiritual leader Ajiingdit Deng Thiapduok, who played a pivotal role in guarding and protecting the people of Southern Sudan during the struggle against the Khartoum regime. However, it has now derailed.

Despite being inspired by the phenomenal contributions of such leaders in various professions, ranging from public management, military, and spiritual sectors, the modern-day Adiang Mayomdit community has failed to manage itself successfully like other communities in the Republic of South Sudan.

Sectarianism and disintegration have strangled the community organization, preventing it from moving forward. This has resulted in demoralization and a lack of confidence among Adiang Mayomdit youth, both in urban and rural areas.

Since 2015 and beyond, the affairs of the community have been conducted in a secretive manner, under the table, without transparency and accountability. With dictatorial characters at the helm of the community association, it is shameful to admit that nothing has been accomplished except ubiquitous conflicts among elders, women, and youth, with each group operating their interest tables independently.

Now that the leadership that held the Adiang Mayomdit community association in Juba hostage for more than eight years under poor conditions has decided to hand it back to the members of Adiang Mayomdit, we have an opportunity to restore the Adiang Mayomdit leadership image by voting in a true leader as its chairman or proceed to throw it under the bus for the second time. Although the choice is individual, the author is quite sure that members of Adiang Mayomdit will make a difference by joining hands together to save their community from sinking deeper into mafiaism, despotism, or an abysmal well of incompetency.

With the looming election of a new chairman of the Adiang Mayomdit community association in Juba set to take place next week, the millennial Adiang Mayomdit community members will meditate and ponder more deeply into what Adiang has become in the 21st century. We will not abandon the footsteps of our forefathers and follow greed and mediocrity, but we will recover our community values and the unique leadership that we are known for across South Sudan.

To restore the original values, unite the disintegrated and demoralized youth of Adiangma, and clean the image of the Adiang Mayomdit community, let us not forget to vote for a humble leader in the person of Mawut Deng Manok as the new chairman of the Adiang Mayomdit community association in Juba. Mawut Deng Manok is a well-informed individual with rounded knowledge and experience in the public and private sectors.

Among the various positions he has held in different fields, Deng Manok was a project supervisor at Ayad Engineering Company from 2006 to 2010, where he managed the construction of the road from Wunrok Bridge to Akechial Bridge (one of the major roads bisecting Twic Mayardit County into two). Currently, he is the chairman of the Gumtor Welfare Society and the managing director of a private company.

Mawut Deng Manok has a well-rounded education, and he holds a master’s degree in public policy. If given a chance as chairman of the Adiang Mayomdit community association in Juba, our community will get back on track. He will defend the Adiang Mayomdit community’s interests with resilience and passion, furthering its vision. He leads with veracity that resembles the brave features of Major Kharbino Kuanyin, possesses wit like Chief Cyer Rehan, and is selfless like Ajiingdit Deng Thiapduok.

The writer is a member of the Adiang Mayomdit community and can be reached via email at

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