
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Release: Condemnation of Attacks on Nyirol County by Criminal Elements from GPAA, South Sudan

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David Yau-Yau, the Murle militia leader who led a military rebellion against the gov't of South Sudan leading to the creation of the Greater Pibor Administrative of which he (Yau-Yau) has been appointed the administrator by President Kiir.

Dear Media Outlets: Press Release on the Attacks on Nyirol County by Criminal Elements from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, South Sudan

Thursday, 20 June 2024 (PW) — It is with profound concern and a heavy heart that we inform the public of a series of tragic incidents that unfolded on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of June, 2024. Our community members, traveling from Yakuach to the Nyirol County headquarters in Lankien, were heinously attacked by armed criminals from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area in the Tel Area. This brutal assault resulted in the wounding of two men, one woman, and the abduction of a child.

On the 16th of June, 2024, armed criminals from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area further escalated their malicious activities by abducting two children along Malakal Road to Pulturuk Payam. This despicable act adds to the growing list of atrocities that have plagued our region.

The violence continued on the 17th of June, 2024, when these same criminal elements raided a significant number of cattle in Thol Payam, Nyirol County. Our brave youth are still in pursuit of the perpetrators, striving to recover the stolen livestock. On the same day, another attempted cattle raid occurred in Tolguek/Dengdor Boma, but fortunately, the criminals were thwarted and did not succeed in taking any livestock. However, they left one person wounded in their wake.

The leadership of Nyirol County vehemently condemns these recent attacks perpetrated by criminal elements from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. Such actions are utterly unacceptable and demonstrate a blatant disregard for peace and human dignity. The lawlessness and violence that these groups perpetuate must be addressed immediately to restore safety and security to our communities.

We call upon our neighboring states and all responsible stakeholders to work collaboratively and effectively to combat such acts of violence. It is imperative that we stand united against these criminal activities and strive to maintain peace and security within our regions. Collective efforts are essential to mitigating the impact of these violent acts and to ensure a future where our people can live without fear.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the wounded, and we wish them a swift and full recovery. We also fervently hope for the safe return of the abducted children and stand in solidarity with their families during this distressing time.

We urge all parties involved to prioritize peace and human dignity above all else. It is only through cooperative efforts and mutual respect that we can hope to overcome the challenges we face and build a secure and prosperous future for all.

Press Unit,

Office of the Commissioner,

Nyirol County, Jonglei State, South Sudan

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