
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Marking 13 Years of Independence: Rekindling the Spirit of South Sudan’s Liberation

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By Dut Augustino Agei Dut, Nairobi, Kenya

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 (PW) — On July 9, 2011, South Sudan, like South Korea and the region of Ambazonia before it, embarked on what Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir termed “the process of state-making.” As we celebrate the 13th independence anniversary, may it reignite the nationalist fervor that drove our liberation from Sudan, and may the foundations of our nation be strengthened through this ongoing process of state-building.

The journey of separatist nations often invites global comparisons. South Sudan’s secession from Sudan parallels South Korea’s split from North Korea, offering unique insights into the challenges and triumphs of newly formed states. As we commemorate our country’s independence, let us channel the same determination that fueled our initial breakaway, using it to propel South Sudan towards a brighter future.

This year’s July 9th celebration marks a significant milestone in our nation’s history. It presents an opportunity to reflect on our achievements and to envision the prosperity we aim to create for future generations. Much like the United States, which continually strives for improvement, South Sudan must define its path to progress, distinguishing itself within the African continent and the global community.

As we mark 13 years of independence, let us draw inspiration from former U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s vision of an “empire of liberty.” South Sudan should aspire to exemplify this ideal, solidifying our nation’s foundation through peace and prosperity. Our struggle for independence should evolve into a concerted effort to build a stable, thriving state.

Nationally, we must prioritize the prevention of regression. This necessitates a commitment to democratic processes, as evidenced by the upcoming elections. South Sudan has the opportunity to demonstrate to the world that even the youngest democracies can set examples for established ones. Let us proudly showcase our progress and uphold the tradition of liberal democracy.

The path forward requires bipartisan cooperation, putting national interests above the quest for power. This approach will foster national integration and pave the way for a unified South Sudan, extending its positive influence to the broader Sudanese region.

On this Independence Day, we call upon the international community to continue supporting a peaceful South Sudan. Social harmony must prevail over conflict, and international pressure should ensure that our nation protects human rights and implements effective governance – hallmarks of successful state-building.

To all South Sudanese worldwide, your participation is crucial in our country’s development. As envisioned by the SPLM’s policy of “bringing towns closer to people,” let us collectively engage in nation-building. Post-independence, we must embrace global ideas in economics and politics, promoting a harmonious South Sudan free from sectional divides. Let this year’s anniversary celebration encourage unity among our diverse populace, both within the country and across the diaspora.

In reimagining the South Sudan we desire, we should consider the transformative approach of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, who rapidly elevated his nation from a developing state to a global powerhouse. Under visionary leadership, our Independence Day should echo President Carter’s message to Americans: Let South Sudan be a beacon of liberty, a shining city on a hill, and a leader among nations.

As we approach this year’s elections, I strongly advocate for peace regardless of political affiliations. Let us comprehensively implement the hard-earned independence achieved on July 9, 2011. As South Sudanese, our duty is to work tirelessly, bridging the gap created by years of struggle and focusing on bringing prosperity to our nation. This is the most fitting way to honor Dr. John Garang and all the fallen heroes and heroines of the independent Republic of South Sudan.

Happy 13th Independence Anniversary, Republic of South Sudan!

The author, Dut Augustino Agei Dut, is a respected member of Kenya’s South Sudan civil society group. He teaches at Comboni College in Khartoum and Juba, Sudan. A Vatican scholar at the Institute of Diplomacy & International Studies (IDIS) at the University of Nairobi, he also contributes as a columnist for local media in South Sudan. For comments, reach him at or

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