Photos & Text | Fil-Ams have ‘no trust’ in Aquino

July 31, 2014

Filipino-American activists held protests across the United States of America during the week of Benigno Aquino III’s State of the Nation Address, pointing out that they have “no trust” in the Philippine president due to corruption. In a statement, Rhonda Ramiro, BAYAN USA Vice Chairperson said, “Corruption in the Philippines will never be eradicated while the […]

Albay cops forcibly accost Vince Casilihan, spokesperson of Karapatan-Bicol and staunce critic of the privatization of Albay Electric Cooperative or Aleco, yesterday, Feb. 24. Casilihan was arrested along with lawyer Bart Rayco, chairman of Aleco multi-sectoral Stakeholders’ Organization (Amsso) and a member of National Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL-Bicol), Hernan Certeza of Kilusang Mayo Uno-Bicol, and Karl Anthony Canata of Youth Act Now at around 1:45 PM by around 30 police elements upon the order of P/Supt. Rommel De La Rama, Legazpi City PNP Chief of Police. Photo courtesy: VInce Casilihan

Citizen Photo | Protesters vs privatization of Albay electric coop arrested, manhandled

February 25, 2014

Albay cops forcibly accost Vince Casilihan (third from left), spokesperson of Karapatan-Bicol and staunce critic of the privatization of Albay Electric Cooperative or Aleco, yesterday, Feb. 24. Casilihan was arrested along with lawyer Bart Rayco, chairman of Aleco Multi-Sectoral Stakeholders’ Organization (Amsso) and a member of National Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL-Bicol), Hernan Certeza of Kilusang Mayo Uno-Bicol, and Karl Anthony Canata of Youth Act Now at around 1:45 PM by around 30 police elements upon the order of P/Supt. Rommel De La Rama, Legazpi City PNP Chief of Police. Amsso and other progressive groups have been protesting against the Aleco turnover to a San Miguel Corp. subsidiary, blocking its office entrances, engaging in dialogues and conducting protest actions. They contend that Aleco privatization with inevitably result to higher power rates and loss of jobs. Photo courtesy: Vince Casilihan

Children victims of typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) make home by using discarded GI sheets and streamers from militant organizations in at Brgy. 110 Utap, Tacloban City. (KJ Dumapit)

Children of the storm

January 12, 2014

Children victims of typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) make home by using discarded GI sheets and streamers from militant organizations in Brgy. 110 Utap, Tacloban City. (KJ Dumapit)

Sidebar | Aleco and power service in Albay

January 8, 2014

From the Backgrounder provided by Aleco Multisectoral Stakeholders Organization (Jan. 4, 2013)   Background: Albay has had electricity since the turn of the 20th Century. Evidence of this are photographs taken during the early days of the American Period. 1950s – 1975: LEALDA (Legazpi Albay Daraga) Electric Company served Legazpi Port District, Albay District, and Daraga; it […]

Heartland Stories after Yolanda

November 19, 2013

In the heartland of Panay Island, within the ancestral domain of the indigenous people who call themselves, ‘Tumandok’. Photos taken after the typhoon Yolanda made its last landfall in Panay Island. Their homes, daycare centers, schools, community centers – lay in ruins. Their coffee trees and their banana trees, sources of much-needed cash in between […]

Prof. Kim Gargar

Injured UP prof found in police custody in Davao Oriental

October 3, 2013

A physics professor from the University of the Philippines (UP) who was reported missing after conducting a study in an area affected by Typhoon Pablo in Davao Oriental was found early Thursday morning in Mati Provincial Hospital under police custody, reported Davao Today. Juland Suazo, Panalipdan (Defend) spokesperson, also confirmed to Pinoy Weekly that they […]

Various indigenous tribes in Compostela Valley declare their unity in engaging war against large-scale mining in their ancestral lands. (Contributed Photo)

Indigenous people in ComVal declare war vs large-scale mining

September 20, 2013

Various tribes of indigenous people in Compostela Valley signed a unity pact, called tampura, to fight a large-scale mining corporation affiliated with San Miguel Corp. that is set to operate in the area. Heads of Mangguangans, Mandayas and Matigsalug condemned the SMC-affiliated and Cojuangco-owned Agusan Petroleum and Minerals Corp. (AgPet) for “renewed encroachment to their […]