Ethiopia expels South Sudan diplomats  

Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed [Photo via Getty Images]

Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed [Photo via Getty Images]

EDITOR’S NOTE: A day after the publication of this report, the Ethiopian government and the South Sudanese counterpart, denied the expulsion of South Sudanese diplomats from Addis Ababa. Here is the full updated report: UPDATED: Addis Ababa, Juba denies expulsion of S. Sudan diplomats from Ethiopia.

JUBA – South Sudan diplomats in Ethiopia, including the world’s youngest country’s head of mission in Addis Ababa, have reportedly been expelled by the Ethiopian government, hours after the Ethiopian ambassador to South Sudan, Fisseha Shawl, left Juba in an abrupt decision, two South Sudan embassy staffs told Sudans Post this evening.

“We have been given 72 hours to leave. That that decision was delivered to us in a letter this morning by the Ethiopian security body and they told us that they don’t want us here ‘until further notice,'” one South Sudan embassy source said from Addis Ababa.

The latest development in Ethiopia-South Sudan relations comes after the Ethiopian ambassador to South Sudan left the capital Juba on Saturday in an abrupt decision to protest reported presence of leader of Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Debretsion Gebremichael, in Juba.

“We are hearing that the ambassador of Ethiopia to South Sudan has left the country. We don’t know why, but there is rumors that Debretsion is in Juba and this is why he left the country,” another source at the embassy said. “We have wrote to the ministry of foreign affairs over this issue and we will get a reply within the next few hours.”

There are unconfirmed reports  that Debretsion whose forces in Mekelle, the capital of the Tigray regional state, have been defeated by a federal  Ethiopian ‘law enforcement’ operation,  is in Juba and was meeting visiting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi who visited Juba on Saturday.

Sudans Post could not independently verify these claims.

Separately, a South Sudan government official confirmed that the Ethiopian envoy to the country, Shawl, had left yesterday, but denied he departed the country in protest to any “wrongdoing by South Sudan or any issue that can stains relations with us.”

“We are not enemies, but friends,” the official who requested not to be named added. He also refused to comment “because I am not officially informed of that [reports] of expulsion.”


  • Dera Baro

    Work hard with Egypt & Sudan, help Ethiopian freedom fighters, we get rid of this expansionit mad dog

    • Dawit Gondaria S

      Junta losers, you had 250.000 troops & heavy weaponry, yet lost miserably to Gondar militia’s. Your master Egypt has shown to be nothing more than a state sponsor of terrorism.

      • Walta

        what a fucking lunatic
        It took u fuckers 24 days to get 60km within Mekele with help of Eritrean,Uae,Somalia,Amhara Militant as if the government with 110mill wasn’t enough
        And you have the nerve to open the mouth what a fucking loser

      • WoldeAb

        Tigray will be independent country with in short period. Amharas didn’t learn from past. They crossed redline. The fragmented Ethiopia is an advantage to Egypt that is why Egypt worked yesterday for Eritrea and today for Tigray.

      • Hagos

        There is no shame to say Gondar militia, you always seek validation. Nothing happened. We will defeat you, so far thousands of juntas already killed while they try to loot. Hamote bis!

      • abb

        100;%False story

      • Wedi Tigray

        I like how you guys think the war was not one single Tigray Vs ENDF + Amhara + Eritrea and Arab drones and Israel 😁 how fool people

    • AntiDero Baro

      Doing so will be the end of SS. Mark my word.

      • Your boss asked s.sudan 4000 thousand Military troops to fight for him. 🤣😂🤣🤣🐀🐀 he’s mad 🤭 such a loser!!!

      • Fikir Ashenafi

        How one can hate his country this much? Is this a hate for your country or a hate for your own Tigrayan people, just wondering? Aren’t you tired of Tigrayan mothers’ tears?

    • Emaan Ibrahim

      Ethiopia was helping the refugees from the South Sudan settlement in Ethiopia while the country itself was in need of help. Since the time Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam was in power. Where was Egypt then?Why Egypt now!

    • Binyam Heyi

      Abiy has lost it to Egypt

    • abiy


    • Alfred kenyi

      I wanted to received daily news from Sudan post

  • Dawit Gondaria S

    Egypt you are fast becoming a enemy for a entire generation of Ethiopians. Egypt we will never forget this, you will pay a heavy price for interfering in Ethiopia’s domestic affairs you stinky Arab goatfuckers ! Al-Sisi the midget-pharoah, you signed your own political death warrant!

    • Rachel

      You Ethiopians have a big mouth, keep talking Nonsense.

    • Ismail Hassan

      You’re a moron. There is no way you can touch Egypt! It’s more advanced snd powerful, supported by the whole world. Fix your damn house 1st!

      • Ambissa

        First of all you are not Egyptian. You are unwanted gust in our black land, you tent folding sand kicking goat lover we will get your ass out of our land dead or alive.

    • Fitsum

      Fotaa lebashe there is no more Ethiopia after killing murdering the people of Tigray dictator Abiy Wiz Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki soldier Together they do ethnic cleaning after all you don’t have a moral to say Egypt interfering in Ethiopia internal Affairs I will tell you this Egypt is our alliance a simple as that!From now the people of the Tigray they are not Ethiopian, greater Tigray soon

    • Dave

      Don’t allude what you do to the whole race of Arabs. You are tge goatfucker! Silly skunk.

    • Axum

      What the fuck? Who will let Egypt to pay heavy price for this? ነፍጠኛ? በምን ኣቅሙ? You will lose soon, Neftegna will pay heavy price for it. For bombing our innocent people, Amhara fano killing of our civilians and destroying all infrastructure. We will never forget what Fano and Amara militia is doing in Tigray never!

    • Fitsum

      Goderai Dont For Get This Is A Strategic retreat you will see ethiopia disintgrated infront of your eyes

    • shut your pie hole you chickenfucker ethiopian, you are the problem in the region.

    • Hahaha 😁 really you can’t hold your own country and you want to take on Egypt militarily my friend you guys are jokers Ethiopia military us weak we notted from recent events you cannot hold a war with Egypt is number 1

  • Minasie G Letta

    You will surely get the payback for this reckless cunning to help flee terrorist Debretsion. You the so called South Sudan got your liberation by the due support of Ethiopia, yet you are doing this deadly mistake behind Ethiopia and try to appear innocent?

    • Dr. Peter Joh Mayom

      African leaders need to work together for benefit of their people.

      It is so bad seeing Ethiopian people fighting by themselves when they calling South Sudanese people stupid.

      Are they stupid??

  • Soni soni

    If this is really am so sorry about Sudan she suppose to handover to Ethiopia all TPLF members Sudan should be stand with Ethiopia not for those who killers

  • Dawit Gondaria S

    Egypt you are fast becoming a enemy for a entire generation of Ethiopians. Egypt we will never forget this, you will pay a heavy price for interfering in Ethiopia’s domestic affairs you. Al-Sisi, you signed your own political death warrant!

    • Nerve underestimate

      I am so mad and pissed for the South Sudan gov to support this merciless criminals who killed many thousands innocents.

      We will never forget this South Sudan!

      Egypt: you are making a grave mistake by underestimating the Ethiopian ppl. You are helping bus to unite as one to defend our mother land. I suggest you go back and read history book about the many hero’s who never afraid to defend and die for Ethiopia!

  • Dawit Gondaria S

    Sudanspost, a platform for terrorists.

  • Dawit Gondaria S

    Egypt you are fast becoming a enemy for a entire generation of Ethiopians. Egypt we will never forget this, you will pay a heavy price for interfering in Ethiopia’s domestic affairs!

  • Gebre

    If this is True, I doubt the Existence of the country called South Sudan. Seriously.

    • Amahara

      Believe. Kirr, You’ll pay for it.

    • Marriot

      South Sudan’s Kiir is a pendant of Uganda and is now politically prostituting with Egypt. By so doing , this illiterate Kiir who is nothing but product of incest is going to fast track his exit and at least leave South Sudan alone.

      Nyalich atow.

  • Tib

    Finally, this shit left behind even his screwed tplf group and temporarily saved just his ass. If this rumor turned true, we will find you !!!

  • Yosief Yihunie

    South Sudan will be making a grave mistake if conspired against Ethiopia. TPLF is a terrorist organization which vowed to dismantle Ethiopia. Egypt would like to see weak and divided Ethiopia. Ethiopia supported South Sudan to get its fredom and we feel now back stabbed. Dont walk this path. We are not going to tolerate this.

    • Giday sahlu

      TPLF are freedom fighters, the dictator will pay a heavy price for bringing in foreign power to bomb Tigray, and let Esayas take up 6k refugees from Tigray.

    • Abebech

      Who wants weak Ethiopia? Esayas Afoworki and he is using his toy Abiy Ahmed to make that come true! TPLF fought for strong Ethiopia all 27 years! Ethiopian don’t be so ignorant! Ethiopians are becoming non-functional listening to Abiy’s propaganda only. Look back and think for yourself, check other media’s and don’t be ignorant. Well your PM already told you that you have short term memory ——

  • Tes

    This mother fucker country, called, South Sudan, did the same thing to Rwanda and Uganda.

  • HaileMichael

    South Sudan has made a very poor calculation in this matter, they will pay for it. They have earned themselves 100 million enemies, Ethiopians will NEVER forget this treachery.

  • Nathan

    I think this is fake news! If turned to be true! South Sudan will pay big price.

  • what south Sudan is doing now is the most brilliant political strategic to be the best allies with Egypt and tplf to make sure there in contraction on the GERD.
    AND the second thing is tplf wants to free tigray and creat a democratic and free country TIGRAY so indirectly Egypt can control the GERD.

  • Enat Hagere Nuri

    Doing so will be the end of South Sudan. Mark my word

  • Eleni

    If Debretsion really made this, this would the greatest achievement ever #TPLF did in his entire life/regime. South Sudan we love you❤ You too Alsisi .. blow the dam👌

  • Lion of Judah

    It took 4 weeks to kick TPLF Junta but out from their place built by faithful Ethiopians Dollar stolen for the last 30 years. It took 4 weeks because we did not want to kill our brother and sister Tigerians.
    South Sudan, now we understand where the rebels are coming from lutting and killing innocent Ethiopians. Thanks for showing the true brotherhood as if we have not been backing and supporting you become a nation in the first place.
    Now the curtain is wide open be warned the lion is about to wakeup.

  • Mesfin

    If such a fragile state called South Sudan harbors any Junta and work against Ethiopia, it will pay a very heavy price. Sudan should be grateful for Abiy’s brokered peace. It should be grateful for Ethiopia’s saving of its sons and daughters during the war. Such a back stabbing is not only unacceptable, but begs a serious thoughtful response.

  • Ash

    South sudan must give us back the Terriorist TPLF leaders to Ethiopian government. Terrorists should not be tolerated by any means. The arab dog Egypt will pay the price for the misses in Ethiopia.

  • AKM

    Now every thing is clear that, why the grand dam is not completed on time. Here is the evidence that TPLF leaders have contact with Egyptian leaders. That’s why president al sisi went to south sudan for no reason to meet the TPLF leader . President kiir totally forget that his government vice president and his army is under support of Ethiopian . President kiir please clear your hand out of this sabotage to protect your government and people. Bad move, bad gambling. Looks like play with fire. .

  • Sew

    If this is true, Ethiopian P.M should make military service mandatory to the brave Ethiopians and ready to stand against our historical enemy. It’s time to facilitate the completion of the Renissance Dam and send a clear message to the barbaric Egyptian government. It is time to take the case to Pan African level . Egyptian are acting colonial like their British masters. Remember all your Pasha were buried in Ethiopia!!



    I just checked the published date of this web page. Its in November 2020 Dummy.



  • Labeling TPLF as a terrorist organization should go hand in hand with the military operation. Most TPLF leaders also should be tried as gross human right violators in International criminal court. The number of mass graves found in Tigray constitutes Genocide. The Ethiopian government must invite the international community to investigate crimes committed against humanity in Tigray by TPLF elites

  • Negash Kifle

    If this is true, in the first place, S/Sudan is going to pay expensive price. Another Junta government of the country will definitely face serious consequences. This was not supposed to be a reward to Ethiopians.

  • Mehari Sultan

    The Benshangul Gumuz region of Ethiopia MUST be locked border with South Sudan. Most of TPLF juntas are fleeing and getting shelter in that area. The Ethiopian government must dismantle the local government of that region if they want stability.
    Please Amhara regional government, you have to work hard to control your territory. The Ethiopian army is only advancing to liberate cities and roads. Remember that TPLF know the mountains and bushes more than the cities.
    South Sudan is a failed state and they want to destabilise the region but they will be the first victims of what they are committing.

  • Pingback: Dethiopia expels South Sudan diplomats – Wabe Times

  • Mohammed Albashier

    I don’t think Salva Kiir Mayardit is such a full! He supposed to be a friend to Ethiopians. If this is true, he will pay a price! Mark my word.

  • SH

    The existence of South Sudan depends on the good will of North Sudan and Ethiopia. A nation that was born yesterday seeking it’s destruction tomorrow. The Exercise Ethiopia had the last two weeks is not only enforcing rule of law but a lesson to all neighboring countries including Dusty South Sudan. Despite the newly formed Romance between Al-Cici and the want to be cowboy leader of SS, North Sudan and ETHIOPIA will ensure the romance doesn’t last long enough to have a honeymoon. SS born yesterday and looking forward for her destruction tomorrow.

  • S. A.

    Betraying Ethiopia, Salvakir has formally declared the end of his regime.

  • It’s TPLF who helped Sudan achieve independence, not Ethiopia.

  • Bwhtg

    please keep of your hands from Ethiopia. It is not poletical issues , but a survival . What will you do if you got the chance of leading this country ?? Let ‘s be positive.

  • Malik

    If South Sudan committed this grand atrocity against its maker and creator Ethiopia, I just don’t want to speculate what the late SPLM leader John Garang would say from his graveyard. Ethiopia was a safe-heaven for SPLM leaders and soldiers during their struggle to be a nation. Easy come easy go just wait and see and Time will tell.

    Ethiopia was the midwife for the birth of South Sudan.

  • Civility

    The current group on power in Ethiopia and the Amhara expansionists are leading the whole region to chaos. History clearly tells us this Amhara ideology and dream is always leads to a lose-lose situation. All neighbors including Egypt should be on Tigrians side to bring back norm and stability to this volatile region.

  • eisa

    Abiy was getting help from Shaebia and UAE. Now TPLF will get aid from south sudan, Sudan and Egypt. The only solution is a political solution of all political parties forum by freeing all political prisoners. Otherwise swallow what is coming even if it is bitter

  • eisa

    Abiy was getting help from Shaebia and UAE. Now TPLF will get aid from south sudan, Sudan and Egypt. swallow what is coming even if it is bitter

  • Merkato

    Kiss good bye to your Govt. SS. Soon there will be a mess. Your reckless move will cost you peace in SS.

  • Ben

    Well done tigray brave people, we need like south sudden to sports for tigray. We will kile them naftag amhara and esyas.

  • Pingback: The Sudan Post reported yesterday that South Sudan had expelled Ethiopia’s ambassador to the country and that Ethiopia had taken similar action against South Sudanese diplomats in Addis Ababa. – Chala Dandessa Debela

  • One Ethiopia

    I hope this is not true. This guy is a killer..
    Where ever he goes, justice will be served.
    We Ethiopian will vanish this cruel person

  • Yesgomango

    As is a failed nation

  • Tigraway

    Bravo! S.Sudan! Well done ! You know the evil and treasonous Abiy Ahmed Ali very well. E*hiopia is already a failed state. Neo-Neftegna’s the day you will need a VISA to vist the furure captial of Tigray, Axum and other places is loading!

  • we know that ethiopia is best neighborhood that support south sudan to get freedom,so we can support ethiopia.

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