BREAKING: SSPDF commander who led attack against SPLA-IO in Morotto killed – spokesman

A Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) commander dons the new insignia of the 4th Division petroleum defense unit in Bentiu, Unity State, South Sudan on Friday, May 11, 2012. [Photo by Peter Muller/AP Photo]

A Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) commander dons the new insignia of the 4th Division petroleum defense unit in Bentiu, Unity State, South Sudan on Friday, May 11, 2012. [Photo by Peter Muller/AP Photo]

JUBA – South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) commander who led government assault on SPLA-IO base in Central Equatoria state has been killed, according to the SPLA-IO spokesman.

In a statement this afternoon Brigadier General William Gatjiath Deng said fighting in Morotto which began following government attack this morning was still going on as of this afternoon.

“It was exactly 8:00AM, East African time, when the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) again attacked the SPLA(IO) an usual military garrison situated at Morota, and indeed, the other attack which had also planned still on  hold, ready to face the SPLA (IO) Mobile division’s HQs situated at Pajime, may be now or later.

“Moreover, the attack comes after the regime has learned that, their strong commander, Brig general Gatgueng Bipal, along with several officers and foot soldiers, had perished in the last battle, on the 27/11/2020.

“The professional and well trained forces of SPLA (IO), all under command of Cdr. Maj.general John mabieh Gaar, have fiercely responded and narrowly neutralized the merciless forces and said to have been pushed the enemy into a neutral ground, where they have a limited access to exits after their long frustration in action since morning, as a result, they have repulsed and desperately running about, around the bushes as from now, and despatched in three directions.

“The SPLA (IO) leadership is feeling more flabbergasted as to why and how, the (SSPDF) still carying several attacks on the SPLA(IO) military bases at the outskirts of Juba, while all are seemingly watching carelessly?”

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