S. Sudan denies use of starvation as weapon, says report is ‘fake’ as said by US Trump

South Sudan Information minister and government spokesman Michael Makuei Lueth [Photo via SSNA]

South Sudan Information minister and government spokesman Michael Makuei Lueth [Photo via SSNA]

JUBA – South Sudan government has refuted a report by the United Nations last week that it forces have used starvation as weapon of war saying it agree with Trump in describing US agencies as fake.

The United Nations Human Rights Council in South Sudan said in a report last week that South Sudan government and its forces have used starvation as a weapon to prosecute certain sections of South Sudanese communities.

“With 7.5 million South Sudanese currently requiring humanitarian assistance, we have found that food insecurity in Western Bahr el Ghazal, Jonglei, and Central Equatoria States is linked directly to the conflict and therefore almost entirely human-induced,” said chair of UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, Yasmin Sooka last week.

“It is quite clear that both Government and opposition forces have deliberately used the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in these States, sometimes as an instrument to punish non-aligning communities, as in the case of Jonglei,” she added.

However, speaking to reporters in Juba on Wednesday, information minister and government spokesman Michael Makuei Lueth rubbished the reports and accused people he didn’t name that he said are living in Juba hotels of  creaking fake reports.

“There is nothing as such, we have never used hunger as a weapon or starve the people of South Sudan in order to fight our war. Never,” Makuei said.

He added that release of such reports is what make US president Donald Trump to describe those organizations as fake.

“So those who get such information, be informed that those are reports that President Trump calls ‘fake’ reports. What I know is that these are reports which are written by individuals who sleep in the hotels in Juba, and they must write something about South Sudan,” he said.

Malong-led SSOMA says Rome talks were ‘cordial and fruitful’

Leaders of South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance's first face-to-face meeting with government [Photo by Sudans Post]

Leaders of South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance’s first face-to-face meeting with government [Photo by Sudans Post]

NAIROBI – The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) led by General Paul Malong Awan has said that talks between their group and the government which ended on October 12, in Italy were cordial and fruitful, according to a statement extended to Sudans Post this afternoon.

This comes after talks between SSOMA faction led by General Thomas Cirilo Swaka and the government ended without any agreement after the government rejected a proposal for a referendum over the country’s boundaries.

“South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) delegation led by Gen. Paul Malong Awan met with the government delegation led by Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial on Saturday 10th October, 2020 in Rome, Italy. The Dialogue was led by the Chief Mediator Prof. Mario Giro and Dr Paolo, Secretary General of the Community of Sant’ Egidio,” the Malong-led SSOMA statement reads in part.

“The dialogue between SSOMA and the government was cordial and fruitful. Sant’ Egidio wanted the dialogue to pick up from where things were left earlier this year due to COVID-19 lockdown, which were Rome Declaration and Rome resolutions,” it said.

The group said in the statement that the government delegation expressed the R-TGONU’s belief that an inclusive peace agreement and permanent security improvement in the country cannot be achieved with Malong and General Oyai Deng Ajak on board.

“Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial expressed President Kiir’s seriousness and commitment to an inclusive peace process and implementation in South Sudan. The dialogue stressed on the importance of silencing the guns in order to allow the people of South Sudan to choose how to govern themselves in an inclusive manner as well as in the making of the constitution process,” it said.

“The government strongly expressed that the security reforms cannot be made in the absence of Gen. Paul Malong Awan and Gen. Oyay Deng Ajak, both of whom were part and parcel of the liberation struggle. That peace can only be achieved if all the opposition groups are included and back in the country. The two delegations expressed their commitments in being open-minded to finding solutions and making an agreement that will bring change and lasting peace for the suffering people of South Sudan,” the statement added.

It said the meeting “concluded with commitment to addressing the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan as a way forward instead of having positions-based agreements as the solution.”

However, the statement acknowledged that the meeting between the group and the government ended up without any crucial resolution or agreement, and reaffirmed the group’s commitment to achieving peace in South Sudan through the Italian mediation.

“After a series of side meetings, deliberations and a final meeting on 12h October, 2020 night, we regret to inform the public that the Sant’ Egidio Rome initiative for

South Sudan peace process ended without any resolve, except for the reaffirmation and recommitment to the cessation of hostilities agreement (COHA),” it said.

“The other regrettable thing was that SSOMA split into two because Sant’ Egidio could not convince the parties to negotiate as one opposition group with the government,” it added.

it further added that the “government delegation led by Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial and Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin did not take advantage of the split of SSOMA and instead decided to meet the two groups separately.”

SPLM-IO seeks IGAD permission to allow Machar visit forces – Mabior Garang

South Sudan first vice president and SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar (L), and Mabior Garang de'Mabior hold a press conference on July 8, 2015 in Nairobi [Photo via Getty Images]

South Sudan first vice president and SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar (L), and Mabior Garang de’Mabior hold a press conference on July 8, 2015 in Nairobi [Photo via Getty Images]

NAIROBI – South Sudan’s main armed opposition group, SPLM-IO, is seeking IGAD permission to allow the group’s leader, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, who is also the country’s first vice-president Dr. Riek Machar Teny to visit forces for briefing on peace implementation, a senior opposition official said.

Mabior Garang de Mabior, the SPLM-IO Chairperson of National Committee for Information and Public Relations said many people including senior members of the main armed opposition groups do not understanding the ongoing implementation of the revitalized peace agreement and would want the IGAD permission to allow Machar to visit forces for briefing or to allow him to meet his officials in any neighbouring country.

“This is something we are trying to push our chairman to convene. As you know our Chief of Staff, Gatwech Dual, wrote to IGAD to allow our chairman to go and meet our forces and explain what is happening because they do not understand what is going on,” Mabior said in an interview published today by Radio Tamazuj.

“Even some of us as politicians are not understanding what is going on in Juba. So we also want to write to our chairman to see through IGAD if our leadership can go to any of the neighbouring countries like Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, or Uganda and hold a meeting to determine the future of the party,” the senior opposition added.

Mabior also spoke about his silence over the issues that are ongoing in Juba and said there are a lot of problems within the revitalized unity government as well as the SPLM-IO accusing unnamed individuals of working against speaking out on issues within the movement and the government.

“There are problems within the country and even maneuverings within the SPLM-IO. Some people feel that when we inform the citizens that we are creating problems. If anyone wants to tell the people the situation we are in, they say this person wants to create problems,” he said.

“This has made me keep quiet. They can make propaganda and say we who are telling the truth are anti-peace. So this made us keep quiet until the people of South Sudan see that nothing is moving,” he added.

Mabior further said in spite he kept “informing the public through my website. If I have an opinion or a Public Service Announcement you will find them on my website. For example, when the UN said they were going to withdraw their soldiers from guarding Protection of Civilian sites, there was no statement from IO or the other parties in Juba. But I put out a statement as an individual.

“The parties make decisions as a group so I cannot impose my opinion on the majority. So I continue to push my opinions as an individual and not the movement. These are internal crises for us as SPLM-IO. This is like on the 6th December 2013 in Juba when people like our leader Dr. Riek said there was a leadership crisis in the SPLM then.

“This is the same situation facing us now in the leadership of IO. Some decisions are not clear and there are maneuverings. Some people have formed cliques.”

He further denied that he has defected and then played down significance of the problems within the main armed opposition group saying: “These are internal problems and they happen in any party. IO was also formed because of a split in the historical SPLM. Even Taban Deng Gai defected to the government. These are normal things in politics.”

“We will discuss our leadership issues and address them inside the party. Even if people disagree, they have a right to form another party. What we don’t want is a relapse to war.”

South Sudanese girl went missing in Cairo

Adut Garang Agok Ater who went missing in Cairo last Sunday [Photo via Facebook]

Adut Garang Agok Ater who went missing in Cairo last Sunday [Photo via Facebook]

CAIRO – A South Sudanese young women has been missing in Cairo since Sunday, according to family members and close friends.

Adut Garang Agok Ater left the house supposedly for the market on Sunday, October 11, and has not returned home since.

“Adut has been missing since Sunday. We have reported the issue to the police. She was going to the market and she was supposed to return home in an hour but has not returned yet,” one family source said from Cairo.

The family member expressed worries about the girl’s whereabouts saying they haven’t been able to reach the UNHCR hotline for the case to be reported.

“We are very worried about what has happened to her. He never been absence from us before and that is why we are worried this time,” she said.

“We have reported the case to the police and they say they will help in tracing him, but we haven’t reported the issued to the UNHCR yet because we are unable to reach out to their hotline.”

Since the outbreak of war, thousands of South Sudan refugees have fled to the North African Country to seek protection.

Cases of sexual harassment and kidnapping has been on the rise among the refugee community in recent years in Egypt.

IGAD has turned blind eye on South Sudan peace implementation – opposition official

IGAD South Sudan Office [Photo via igad.int]

IGAD South Sudan Office [Photo via igad.int]

JUBA – The regional bloc, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which mediated the revitalized peace agreement has turned blind eye at the implementation of the 2018 peace deal and so at the plight of the people of South Sudan, according to a senior opposition official.

President Kiir and his first deputy Dr. Riek Machar signed the revitalized version of the 2015 peace agreement in Addis Ababa in September 2018, ending more than six years of devastating conflict in the world’s youngest country.

The agreement provides, in Chapter two, for reunification of the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces and the rival Sudan People’s Liberation Army  in Opposition, among others, to constitute the country’s first professional national army.

However, none of these provisions has been implemented and the agreement has stuck at Chapter one which relates to structures of the revitalized unity government.

In a statement to Sudans Post this afternoon, Nathaniel Pierino, the SPLM-IO representative to the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC), said IGAD has left its obligation to oversee the successful implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

“The complacency of IGAD [……] has reached its climax. The member states of IGAD have turn blind eyes on the plight of South Sudanese people and are busy with their internal matters. Including elections and Covid19 pandemic,” Nathaniel said.

“IGAD could have assumed responsibility that it could not be able to discharge. The international partners including the troika, having exhausted their leverage shall at the end resort to and plead with the parties to guarantee the agreement especially the permanent ceasefire,” he added.

Nathaniel who is a former governor for the defunct SPLM-IO Imatong state said South Sudan parties “have been granted free hands and are at liberty, in essence, the parties are the actual guarantors of the agreement, they can choose to implement the agreement or not to do so. Which is why the R-ARCSS (2018) may altogether be turned by the parties into a ‘Gentlemen Agreements.’

“With this backdrop, and failing to arrest the complacency, reality shall dictate that the agreement shall require an elastic timetable and a Transitional Period longer than that previously envisaged. Given the proposed Six (6) months extension of the matrix is already behind schedule before it was announced at the last JMEC plenary.”

FULL-TEXT: President Salva Kiir’s invitation to TB Joshua

President Kiir (left) leads TB Joshua to the State House J1 on November 12, 2019 [Photo by PPU]

President Kiir (left) leads TB Joshua to the State House J1 on November 12, 2019 [Photo by PPU]

JUBA – President Salva Kiir Mayardit has once again invited Nigerian controversial preacher TB Joshua to visit Juba for the second, after a 2019 visit ended, according to the South Sudanese head of state, with the realization of peace in the world’s youngest country.

Find below the full-text invitation letter of President Salva Kiir to TB Joshua dated May 5, 2020.

Republic of South Sudan (RSS)
The President

RSS/OP/I/1.A. 20

May 5, 2020

Senior Prophet T.B Joshua

The General Overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN)

Lagos, Nigeria

Dear Man of God,


With due respect and honor, I am privileged to write to your highly prophetic esteemed office in reference to the above- mentioned subject.

First, I would like to thank you, humble servant of most high God and the higher grace and anointing upon your life. And for your love and humility by coming on your prophetic and historic visit on 12th November 2019 when the Nation was in desperate situation whereby the country was experiencing civil war violence for many years.

The world organization tried to negotiate peace but where human wisdom failed, God has the final answer. As you have prophesied that, it shall be a new beginning for the nation and we the leaders should overcome our divisions and our differences and come back to develop our youngest nation in the World.

Hence we, the Government and the Opposition have come together to implement the revitalized Peace Agreement and now the nation is at peace followed by the formation of revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R.TGONU), which signifies a new beginning indeed.

“For I am the Lord, I speak and the word which I speak will come to pass, it will no more be postponed. ” Ezekiel 12:25.

Secondly, based on the above-mentioned reference, I want to take this opportunity to invite you again to the Republic of South Sudan to harvest what you planted .The whole nation of South Sudan is ready to receive you once again.

“Being confident of this proverb, He who began the good work will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6.

Please accept, Dear man of God, the assurance of my best regards.


Salva Kiir Mayardit

President of the Republic of South Sudan


Kiir says Nigerian preacher’s prophesy about peace in S. Sudan has ‘indeed’ come true

T.B Joshua briefly chats with President Salva Kiir upon arrival at the Juba International Airport for a leadership prayer on November 12, 2019. [Photo by presidency]

T.B Joshua briefly chats with President Salva Kiir upon arrival at the Juba International Airport for a leadership prayer on November 12, 2019. [Photo by presidency]

JUBA – South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit has said that prophesy by Nigerian controversial preacher, TB Joshua, that peace will realize in South Sudan by 2020, has in fact come true.

This is according to an invitation letter obtained by Sudans Post.

In November 2019, Joshua traveled to South Sudan upon invitation by the South Sudanese head of state. Joshua prayed at the State House in a ceremony attended by most senior government officials.

In an invitation letter date May 5, 2020, Kiir invited Joshua for another visit, praising him for his prophesy which he said in the letter has materialized after failure of regional and international bodies to bring peace in South Sudan.

“… for your love and humility by coming on your prophetic and historic visit on 12th November 2019 when the Nation was in desperate situation whereby the country was experiencing civil war violence for many years,” Kiir said in the later dated May 5.

“The world organizations tried to negotiate peace but where human wisdom failed, God has the final answer. As you have prophesied that, it shall be a new beginning for the nation and we the leaders should overcome our divisions and our differences and come back to develop our young nation in the World.

“Hence we, the Government and the Opposition have come together to implement the revitalized Peace Agreement and now the nation is at peace followed by the formation of revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R.TGONU), which signifies a new beginning indeed. ”

Kiir further invited Joshua again saying “The whole nation of South Sudan is ready to receive you once again.”

FULL-TEXT: Statement of SSOMA after Rome talks ended without deal

Delegation of teh Cirilo-led SSOMA faction posting for a photo in Italy, Rome [Photo via Facebook]

Delegation of teh Cirilo-led SSOMA faction posting for a photo in Italy, Rome [Photo via Facebook]

ROME – The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) faction led by General Thomas Cirilo Swaka has issued a statement regarding the Rome talks which has been going on in the Italian capital since 9 October between the holdout opposition group and the government of South Sudan.

The  four-day talks ended without an agreement and has since been referred to November 30, 2020. Fine below the Full statement of the Cirilo-led SSOMA faction.



“Launching the New Vision of Hope & Transformation in South Sudan”



12th October, 2020

Rome Peace Talks between SSOMA and R-TGONU

The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) would like to inform its members, supporters, the people of South Sudan, and the International Community that SSOMA and the R-TGONU resumed the Rome Peace Process under the auspices of the Community of SANT’EGIDIO that commenced on the 9th – 12th October, 2020 in Rome, Italy. This round of peace talks focused on recommitment of SSOMA and R-TGONU to COHA, participation in the CTSMVM, and negotiation on Declaration of Principles to guide upcoming talks to address the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan.

The composition of SSOMA team to the peace talks are the leaders and delegates of NAS, NDM-PF, SSNMC, and UDRM/A. After extensive four (4) days of cordial and productive discussion and deliberations, the parties agreed on recommitment to COHA and participation in CTSAMVM as well as the Framework for the Declaration of Principles. The parties initialed the COHA Recommitment document and the agreed points of the proposed Declaration Principles pending the discussion of the remaining points in the next round of talks that will take place on the 30th November 2020.

We thank the Community of SANT’EGIDIO for hosting the talks and we assure our supporters and the people of South Sudan that SSOMA is committed to the Rome Peace Process under the auspices of the Community of Sant’Egidio to achieve just and sustainable peace in South Sudan.



Kwaje Lasu

            +1 336 575 5965

Email: jointoppositionpressrelease@gmail.com

BREAKING: Parties end talks in Rome without deal, to meet again in November

South Sudan parties meeting in Rome, Italy, on October 12, 2020 [Photo by Sudans Post]

South Sudan parties meeting in Rome, Italy, on October 12, 2020 [Photo by Sudans Post]

ROME – South Sudan parties meeting in Rome in a bid to end the war in the world’s youngest country have ended this round of negotiations without any agreement, with the Sant’Egidio mediation pushing talks to November 30, according to a statement extended to Sudans Post.

Deng Vanang, a spokesman for the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) faction under General Thomas Cirilo Swaka, said the parties had agreed on the re-commitment to the 2017 ceasefire agreement, but said it couldn’t be signed because the government has objected to some of its points.

“COHA, Cessation of Hostilities’ Agreement  has only been agreed on and  initialed by the parties the two parties. While its signing is differed to 30th November 2020, the parties reconvened and tied  to DOP-ten-point document  for further discussion by the rival parties,” Deng said in a statement extended to Sudans Post.

The senior opposition official said the two points that are not accepted by the government include a referendum on the country’s borders to decided as to if the country should return to its boundaries as they stood on January 1, 1956.

Deng said the government has said the revitalized transitional government of national unity should be the one to decide as to whether a referendum should take place, blaming the government for rejecting these proposals without any concrete reasons.

“By rejecting this proposal, government still has the unethical mission of conquering more communal lands from politically incorrect ethnic groups  and handing them over to more favored ones,” the statement further said.

UN Security Council urges Sudan’s holdout groups to ‘immediately’ join peace process without pre-conditions

Russian's UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia [Photo via UNSC]

Russian’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia [Photo via UNSC]

NEW YORK – The United Nations Security Council has urged holdout Sudanese rebels who didn’t sign the October 3, peace agreement in Juba to immediately join the South Sudan-brokered peace agreement without preconditions.

Last week, Sudan’s ruling coalition and a number of opposition groups under the banner of Sudanese Revolutionary Front (RSF) signed a landmark peace agreement in Juba, ending almost two decades of war.

The agreement provided for autonomy in the country’s south and teh restive regions of Darfur. It importantly also provides for integration of thousands of rebel fighters into the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

However, two key opposition groups have not signed the agreement.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) led by renegade Abdel Aziz Adam al-Hilu and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) led by General Abdel Wahid Nur, have refused to sign the agreement over suspicion of the ruling military.

In a statement, the UN Security Council said they welcome the signing of teh agreement and commended the commitment of the parties to the deal to end the 17-year-old conflict which has killed thousands and displaced millions.

“The members of the Security Council welcomed the signing of the Juba Peace Agreement in Juba on 3 October 2020 by the Government of Sudan, the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), and the Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minawi,” the statement said.

The statement went on to encourage ” signatories of the peace agreement to begin swiftly the process of implementation, particularly of key provisions of the agreement pertaining to security arrangements and addressing the root causes of conflict in Darfur and the Two Areas.”

It further urged the none signatories to the agreement to join the process without precondition immediately.

“The members of the Security Council urged those who have yet to join the peace process with the Government of Sudan to do so immediately, constructively and without pre-conditions to conclude swiftly negotiations on a comprehensive peace agreement, and called upon all international actors to continue encouraging non-participatory parties in this regard,” it said.

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