South Sudanese girl went missing in Cairo

Adut Garang Agok Ater who went missing in Cairo last Sunday [Photo via Facebook]

Adut Garang Agok Ater who went missing in Cairo last Sunday [Photo via Facebook]

CAIRO – A South Sudanese young women has been missing in Cairo since Sunday, according to family members and close friends.

Adut Garang Agok Ater left the house supposedly for the market on Sunday, October 11, and has not returned home since.

“Adut has been missing since Sunday. We have reported the issue to the police. She was going to the market and she was supposed to return home in an hour but has not returned yet,” one family source said from Cairo.

The family member expressed worries about the girl’s whereabouts saying they haven’t been able to reach the UNHCR hotline for the case to be reported.

“We are very worried about what has happened to her. He never been absence from us before and that is why we are worried this time,” she said.

“We have reported the case to the police and they say they will help in tracing him, but we haven’t reported the issued to the UNHCR yet because we are unable to reach out to their hotline.”

Since the outbreak of war, thousands of South Sudan refugees have fled to the North African Country to seek protection.

Cases of sexual harassment and kidnapping has been on the rise among the refugee community in recent years in Egypt.

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