End non-stop wars and save lives in South Sudan

By Beek Mabior

An old woman looks from a IDP camp in Upper Nile state in December 2013 (Photo by Ilvy Njiokiktjien for Cordaid]

An old woman looks from a IDP camp in Upper Nile state in December 2013 (Photo by Ilvy Njiokiktjien for Cordaid]

OPINION – Our beloved South Sudan have never taken a permanent break from endless civil wars for many decades. It is the only country in the whole of Africa which has experienced non-stop civil conflicts for over half a century since the year of independence when our former old Sudan achieved her self-rule from the Britain’s colonialism. South Sudan has never fully enjoyed total peacefulness and stability even after accomplished her hard won autonomy from the old Sudan.

Our beautiful innocent young country has undergone numerous social, political and economic challenges for years since the year she was borne and gained her independence from old Sudan’s oppression and marginalization in 2011 after years of civil war. South Sudan has experienced four consecutive civil wars: firstly, the first Sudanese civil war (1955-1972), Secondly, the second Sudanese civil war (1983-2005), Thirdly, the Heglig crisis (2012), fourthly, the South Sudanese civil war (2013-2020). In addition to that, there are various non-stop communal and militias’ civil conflicts that have been going on in South Sudan persistently until today.

Furthermore, the second Sudanese civil war was the longest civil war on record in Africa. It is the war which resulted in the independence of South Sudan six years after the war has ended in 2005. In this second civil war, more than two million people died as a result of civil conflict, famine, sicknesses and etc. The civil war took twenty-two years to ended. Moreover, since independence, our former old Sudan has suffered two civil conflicts between North and South and the two wars were bloody. The South Sudanese civil war (15 December 2013-22 February 2020) was a conflict between forces of the government and opposition forces which took nearly seven years to end.

Additionally, in all the above civil wars, millions of people were displaced because of the conflict and hunger. Millions also perished while others were injured and remained with permanent injuries and disabilities until today. Millions lost their loved ones and livelihoods during all those years of civil wars. Also, millions of our citizens have crossed into bordering countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda which has cause Africa’s largest refugee crisis. And within the country more than 1.8 million people are displaced.

Additionally, as you can see from the above explanations, why do we always pursued civil wars year after year? Why do we subject our lovely South Sudan to such an undesirable destruction of human lives and properties? Has our motherland, South Sudan committed any crime to deserve such a self-destruction and punishment brought to her by her own citizenry? Do we have any other nation we can migrate into it once South Sudan is totally destroyed by us? Is South Sudan a curse or blessing to us? Was it a mistake for us to belong to South Sudan? Was God wrong to create South Sudan so that we can live in it as South Sudanese people? Did our liberation’s martyrs and gallant soldiers die in vain? Was it a bad motive for our current alive SPLA/SPLM members to fought for our self-rule and liberty? Was it a mistake for our leaders like Salva Kiir, Riek Machar, Wani Igga, Taban Deng and other leaders who fought for our freedom and risk their lives? Is political power, riches and fame more significant than South Sudan herself? Leaders and people come and go but South Sudan will always stay for they generations of South Sudanese people that will come after us. Do you want your children to be in South Sudan without peace? Or do you want your family and children to stay in foreign soil forever?

Who should we protect between political power and South Sudan? Kindly if you’re a true patriot and compatriot of South Sudan, then let us all unite and give South Sudan a permanent break and peacefulness from senseless civil wars once and for all. Let us allow our precious South Sudan to heal her wounds we’ve inflicted on her for years! Let have mercy toward South Sudan and her biodiversity! Let create a South Sudan where our elegant sixty-four cultures are a source of unity, love, blessing, strength and prosperity rather the opposite! There’s no South Sudan without our beautiful sixty-four tribes!

Conclusively, we as South Sudanese people have done so much harm to South Sudan with impunity and without mercy altogether. We’ve subjected her to needless suffering and disasters. South Sudan as a nation has never let us down completely. She contains all the resources we need for our collective betterment, living, prosperity and happiness. She is our garden of Eden. She contains honey and milk we need to enjoy as South Sudanese people. She has all the natural resources and richness we desire to live better lives as South Sudanese people. South Sudan is like a cow we milked and you don’t mistreat the very same cow you milked because it is against the laws of nature and survival.

What if you go hungry the next day? Will you not come back to milk that cow again? We have invested our productive energies and wise brains as South Sudanese people for years to inflicted endless suffering on South Sudan without feeling any mercy for her. If South Sudan was a human being, she would have rebel against us let alone the political insurgencies across the country. Kindly let have pity toward our lovely South Sudan. let keep guns silent in our nation once and for all in order to avoid daily meaningless bloodshed in our country.

Let us all support our current peace to last for lifetime. Let support our leaders to maintain peace, harmony, love and unity in South Sudan. Our precious young nation is innocent. She doesn’t participate in our meaningless hostilities and animosities. She doesn’t know the political and social differences between Nuer and Dinka. Between Shilluk and Bari and the rest of our beloved cultures. she doesn’t know the political and military affiliations. She accommodates all South Sudanese citizens and treat them equally as her precious people. She is like Jehovah that treat humanity equally without segregation despite of their imperfection and rebellion. Look at how kind and generous how gorgeous South Sudan is to all the South Sudanese people. We should pay her back with lasting peace, oneness, love and permanent stability forever.

The author is a concerned citizen and independent opinion writer who can be reached via his Email: betterarticle165@gmail.com

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