Floods, insecurity undermine agricultural activities in Jonglei state – local chief

Heavy floods in Jonglei state is triggering hunger among local communities [Photo by UNHCR]

Heavy floods in Jonglei state is triggering hunger among local communities [Photo by UNHCR]

BOR – The Chief Administrator of Pakeer Payam in Jonglei state, Nyuop Philip Deng, has said that heavy floods and insecurity are affecting agricultural activities in the area.

The floods which destroyed crops and submerged many areas such as Pakeer, Ajuong, Nyuak and Kongor was caused by weeks of heavy rains and overflow of River Nile.

Philip confirmed in a telephone interview that the communities there are facing great hunger.

He said the civil population are surviving on food assistance distributed by Danish Refugee Council which he said is not enough to sustain them.

Deng warned of possible outbreak of diseases like malaria, diarrhea and other infections.

The local government official is appealing to the government and humanitarian agencies to support flood victims with medicines and food relief.

The Director General for Planning and Coordination at the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, and Disaster Management, Lawrence Akoca, said that he is aware of the situation in Jonglei State.

Akoca said that they are in process of mobilizing resources such as food and non-food items to be delivered to the floods victims.

He said even though the areas are inaccessible due to the poor roads, they will use boats and World Food Programme’s aircraft to deliver the food items by air.

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