Governor Duer says resignation of SPLM-IO Secretary-General ‘unfortunate’

Former SPLM-IO governor of Sobat state and senior member of the main armed opposition group, Duer Tut Duer [Photo supplied]

Former SPLM-IO governor of Sobat state and senior member of the main armed opposition group, Duer Tut Duer [Photo supplied]

KHARTOUM – Former SPLM-IO governor of the defunct Sobat state, Duer Tut Duer, has said that Tuesday’s resignation of SPLM-IO Secretary-General, Tingo Peter, is unfortunate but lashed out at those who downplayed the high-level defection.

On Tuesday, Tingo resigned citing leadership failure from the main armed opposition leader, Dr. Riek Machar, who he accused of ‘single-handedly’ running the group which is a main signatory to the revitalized peace agreement.

Speaking to Sudans Post on Thursday morning, Duer lashed out at those who think the resignation of Tingo as the group’s Secretary-General will have no impact on the group’s strength, saying his defection is unfortunate.

“It is unfortunate to learn that, the Secretary General of the SPLM-IO has resigned, but it is ridiculous to here SPLM-IO officials saying that ‘his resignation will not affect the movement,'” the opposition official said.

The official who is also a member of the SPLM-IO National Liberation Council warned that the main armed opposition group is growing weaker and is losing its members gradually, blaming ‘bad’ Machar leadership.

“Who will not agree with me that, the SPLM-IO of 2014 is stronger than that of 2015. still people will agree with me that, the SPLM-IO of 2015, was stronger than the SPLM-IO of 2016 and the SPLM-IO of 2016, was stronger than the SPLM-IO of 2017. The SPLM-IO of 2017, was stronger than the SPLM-IO of 2019. The SPLM-IO of 2019 was stronger than the SPLM-IO of 2020.,” he said.

“If Riek Machar is not removed from the chairmanship of the SPLM-IO this year, then the SPLM-IO 2020, will be stronger than that of 2021. Why the strength of the SPLM-IO decreases with the time? Simply because of defections caused by bad leadership of Riek Machar,” he added.

He lashed out at those who claims the resignation of the secretary-general will not have impact on the movement, saying it decrease the morale among supporters as it also decrease the strength of leadership.

“The SPLM-IO officials who come out with unstudied statements that, ‘the resignation of the Secretary General will not have any impact on the Movement’ must know that: Defection of a member of an organization decrease the strength of the organization of origin and increases the strength of the organization of destination, it decreases the morale of the members of the organization of origin and increases the morale of the members of the organization of destination, that is to say: decreases the morale here and increases it there,” he said.

“It is so ridiculous for responsible people to say that, the resignation of the Chief Administrative Officer of the movement is not important, I am convinced, they are saying it out of ignorance and out of arrogance,” he added.

Duer said he general “don’t agree with those who resign or defect from the SPLM-IO as a result of bad leadership of Riek Machar. SPLM-IO is not a private or family business of Riek Machar, Riek Machar made it his private and family business because he knows when they are not happy they resign or defect and leave the SPLM-IO instead of confronting him (Riek Machar) from within.”

“Riek is not a good leader, he doesn’t know much about the organization of an organization like SPLM-IO. He is a dictator, he doesn’t respect institutions and structures of the movement.

“He waists people time on long meetings, but never work according to the resolutions of those meetings, he never give Space to the officials of the Movement, he assigns them but he keeps the assignment for himself.

“He doesn’t distinguish between the party and the community. He sometimes gives the functions of party organs to the Communities. He doesn’t know that: Communities or people elect popular Candidates for public positions, irrespective of their political unconsciousness or knowledge of the party principles, values, vision, mission and objectives While party organs nominate qualified Cadres for those positions, cadres who are politically conscious, aware of the values, vision, mission and objectives of the party. Now what can we do with someone like this calling himself ’the Chairman’.”

Responding to reports that Tingo has headed to Khartoum to possibly meet Duer and his reformist group, the senior opposition official said he doesn’t have problem meeting him, but said he won’t work with him because he has defected from the organization.

“I don’t have any problem of meeting him (Tingo Peter), but it will be difficult to work with him because he resigns from the SPLM-IO while I am still a member of the SPLM-IO, it will not be possible to work with him now, but after dismissal of Riek Machar from the Chairmanship of the SPLM-IO, all those who resigned or defeated from the SPLM-IO including Tingo Peter, due to bad leadership of Riek Machar will be asked to come back and be reinstated,” he said.

He further advised Tingo to “not think of joining any other organization, the Beginning of the End of Riek Machar leadership is not very far, the restructuring and the reorganization of this great movement is near.”

One comment

  • Wani

    Good comparison but remember that the weaknesses r not for the SPLA IO alone but both IO & IG including u whey because when comparing South Sudan of 2011 with the one of today, u will get that the one of today is weakest yet expect worse in 2021.

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