Gov’t to work with the Church on reconciliation, healing initiatives – Governor Anthony

Governor of South Sudan's Central Equatoria state Emmanuel Adil Anthony speaking during a Church service on Sunday, November 1, 2020, in Juba. [Photo by governor's office]

Governor of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria state Emmanuel Adil Anthony speaking during a Church service on Sunday, November 1, 2020, in Juba. [Photo by governor’s office]

JUBA – The governor of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria state, Emmanuel Adil Anthony, has reiterated his government’s support for reconciliation process in the country, saying his government will continue to work with the Church to support reconciliation and healing initiatives.

Governor Emmanuel applauded the church for it’s crucial role in offering holistic services which are largely based on humanity to the people across the state over the past years saying that the partnership should be strengthened even further.

“The church has been playing a very instrumental role in transforming our communities on various societal values and morals. The church should continue advancing efforts towards quest for an everlasting peace in this transitional period,” he said.

Anthony also urged the faithful to renew their faith and reconcile, and forgive each other as Christian in a bit to move this country to the peace path.

The governor made the remarks on Sunday at the Episcopal church of South Sudan during the All Saints Cathedral Celebration under the theme “CELEBRATING 100 YEARS HARVEST OF GREAT COMMISSION” in Juba as witnessed by many senior Episcopal church of South Sudan clergies and other high ranking government officials.

Speaking while delivering his sermon for this momentous days, the primate and the metropolitan Bishop of Juba Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Justin Badi Arama urged the faithful to shunt ethnicity as Christians and move forward on the propagation of the Gospel of Christ to all across the country.

For her part, South Sudan’s Foreign Minister, Beatrice Khamisa Wani urged the congregation to continue putting the presidency into their day to day prayers as they are already at their final touches for the full formation of the state government structures.

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