Gov’t warns of second wave of COVID-19

A South Sudan COVID-19 testing health worker seen taking samples of unidentified man as coronavirus cases in South Sudan surpasses 200 [Photo by unknown]

A South Sudan COVID-19 testing health worker seen taking samples of unidentified man as coronavirus cases in South Sudan surpasses 200 [Photo by unknown]

JUBA – South Sudan’s ministry of health on Sunday warned of second wave of COVID-19 pandemic if  preventive measures are not tightened up to avoid the deadly disease resurgence in the country.

Dr. Thuou Loi, official spokesperson in the ministry of health told reporters during the weekly routine COVID-19 briefly at Public Health Laboratory in Juba that the second wave is more dangerous that the first wave.

“The second wave of COVID-19 is real, and we should take it serious. Already there are two different types of trend. One is detected in South Africa and the other one is in U.K and all indicators are that the transmission of these two different trend maybe more serious that the other one we are having now,” Dr. Loi said.

The health official advised the public to adhere to preventive measures put in place to curb spread of the deadly disease.

“We need to take it serious as a country because in term of public health, both South Africa and U.K are next door to Juba. Whatever happened in South Africa this afternoon or London this afternoon can find its way to Juba. So we to take it serious in term adhering to preventive measures,” he added.

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