Holdout opposition alliance condemns Kiir’s ‘inaction’ over floods

Holdout opposition leaders, General Paul Malong, Pagan Amum and General Thomas Cirilo Swaka [Photo designed by Sudans Post]

Holdout opposition leaders, General Paul Malong, Pagan Amum and General Thomas Cirilo Swaka [Photo designed by Sudans Post]

JUBA – The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) which is negotiating a peace deal with President Salva Kiir’s government has condemned what it says is inaction and negligence by the unity government on victims of floods, according to a statement seen by Sudans Post.

Floods in many parts of the world’s youngest country, particularly in the Upper Nile region, have displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Some from Jonglei state have been displaced to Central Equatoria state.

In a statement on Sunday, the holdout opposition Alliance said President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s government lacks strategy and action to rescue victims of the floods, saying the government is responsible for the ongoing deaths and loose of properties over floods.

“The Juba regime lack of priorities is now glaringly exposed by the natural disaster in the form of severe floods that have submerged large areas and displaced about one-half (1/2) of the Jonglei State population, and swathes of lands in Central and Western Equatoria [states] are under water,” the statement said..

“The consequences in terms of human toll are enormous. Most of the affected populations are children and women whose needs for urgent humanitarian assistance are huge and dire,” it added.

The statement further criticized the national dialogue conference in Juba, arguing that the organizers should have prioritized the suffering of the people displaced by the floods.

“Thousands of South Sudanese are suffering and left on their own looking for shelters, food, medicines and security in Jonglei, Central Equatoria, Western Equatoria States and many other parts of the country,” it said.

The statement further appealed to regional and international humanitarian organizations as well as well-wishers to urgently rescue the suffering people of South Sudan.

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