IO’s first-ever national conference in Juba to begins tomorrow

South Sudan's First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny addressing a meeting of the SPLM-IO National Liberation Council in Juba in late 2019 [Photo via Facebook]

South Sudan’s First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny addressing a meeting of the SPLM-IO National Liberation Council in Juba in late 2019 [Photo via Facebook]

JUBA – South Sudan’s main armed opposition group and party to the revitalized unity government, SPLM-IO, has announced that its long-awaited national conference, which will be the first of its kind in Juba, is due to kick off on Monday, after an initial schedule for December, a senior opposition official has said.

Puot Kang Chuol, South Sudan’s petroleum minister and chairperson of the SPLM-IO youth league told reporters on Friday that the group has resolved to begin the national conference on November 30 which he said will be the first of its kind in Juba for the group.

“We have confirmed the national conference that will take place on the 30th of November 2020. The SPLM/SPLA (IO) shall hold its first conference in Juba which is number six national conference to be held in Juba on the 30th of November 2020,” he said.

“We are here to inform the general public, all the political parties that are in Juba the political groups that are invited and that will make statements, all the diplomatic corps and everybody that we are going to make that conference on the 30th for us to consolidate peace and make sure that we revitalized ourselves so that we meet the new challenges and how we can generate new political will for the implementation of the agreement itself,” he added.

Internal group rejects  boycotts meeting

An internal dissident group of conservatives within the main armed opposition group has urged its members to boycott the meeting, saying Machar, who is under regional detention in the capital Juba, cannot chair an opposition meeting.

The group led by former SPLM-IO governor of the opposition Sobat state Duer Tut Duer has in several occasions of failing to effect changes and reforms within the main armed opposition group, saying Machar should first consult with senior members of the group who he said are not happy with his leadership.

“The conference is not genuine and not constitutional,” Duer told Sudans Post in an interview last week. “Dr. Riek Machar is in detention in Juba. A detainee cannot be given the freedom and the privilege to call this conference in his lieu of detention.”

Asked if he the meeting should be boycotted by all, Duer said he is not asking for all members of the group, “they are free to go, I only ask all those from various categories who are advocating for removal of Riek Machar from the Chairmanship of the SPLM-IO to boycott this conference and wait for the convention which will take place in 2021, under new leadership.”

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