Japanese engineers to resume construction of Juba’s Freedom Bridge

Freedom bridge completion forecast [Photo by JICA]

Freedom bridge completion forecast [Photo by JICA]

JUBA – The Japanese Ambassador to South Sudan, Naohiro Tsutsumi, has said engineers from his country will soon resume the construction work of Juba’s Freedom Bridge following an interruption by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

The project which begun in 2013 has been interrupted several times, both by the outbreak of war in December 2013, and the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in early 2020.

Speaking at the National Dialogue’s National Conference in Juba on Tuesday via a pre-recorded visual message, Amb. Tsutsumi said Japanese technicians were coming back to resume the construction toward the completion of the project.

“With no doubt, they will finish this job because they are professionals with skills and a sense of mission,” Tsutsumi said.

The Japanese diplomat reiterated his country’s commitment to help South Sudan in achieving sustainable peace in the country.

“Japan will support South Sudan to consolidate the national unity and pave the way to a stable and prosperous future of this country,” the Japanese diplomat said.

“Japan has been assisting South Sudan in economic and social infrastructure development with projects through Japan International Cooperation Agency and other implementing partners as well as the participation in UNMISS,” he added.

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