Kiir, Machar should not take part in upcoming elections – ND report

President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny speaking to the press in February 2020 ahead of the dissolution of the former incumbent TGoNU [Photo via Radio Tamazuj]

President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny speaking to the press in February 2020 ahead of the dissolution of the former incumbent TGoNU [Photo via Radio Tamazuj]

JUBA – South Sudan’s National Dialogue Steering Committee has released its final report which forbids President Salva Kiir, and his First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar from taking part in upcoming general elections.

“There are only two safe exits out of this dilemma; that both President Kiir Mayardit, and Dr. Riek Machar must not take part in the elections, especially if they ran against one another,” said the report extended to Sudans Post.

The report further stated that all people of South Sudan also know that even if free and fair elections were to be organized, either one of these two men, once they  lose those elections, might cry fault and the country is likely to go back to war.

It recommended that elections should be organized, and conducted by an external credible body such as the United Nations through the African Union and IGAD.

The report warned that if political deadlock between President Kiir and Dr. Machar is not addressed, all efforts will be futile and will bear little to no fruits.

“There is so much evidence showing that President Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riek Machar cannot work together to pull the country out of the crisis created by their ambitions and power struggle. It is also common knowledge that neither one of them is willing to wait outside the corridors of power for his turn,” it said.

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