Kiir warns young people against being used by ‘greedy’ politicians

South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit [Photo by unknown]

South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit [Photo by unknown]

JUBA – South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit has warned young people against being used by those he calls greedy politicians, saying youth should focus on building their future instead of meddling in the country’s deadly politics.

The South Sudanese head of state made the remarks on Saturday at St. Theresa Cathedral in Juba during Saint Daniel annual feast celebration.

“Country is not build by politics alone,” Kiir said. “The role of the young people should not be to rally around greedy politicians and those who want to destroy this country which we brought though many years of struggle.”

Kiir said the role of the young people should be to focus on their education to build a brighter future, first for themselves, their families and then for the country.

“What the young people should do is that you should focus on your education for a brighter future for yourselves and them family and then the country,” Kiir said.

“We cannot all go to join politic and expect development in our country. Politics does not build country. Education does and if the young people go for education, this country will be much better than everyone expects,” added the South Sudanese head of state.

Kiir’s remarks comes a few days after almost 80 young men belonging to the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) ruling faction under him declared their intention to join teh SPLM-IO under his first deputy Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

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