Lawmaker urges Unity state governor to avoid ‘encouraging’ divisions after welcoming defectors

South Sudan lawmaker Buay Keake Turoal speaking during  function in Bentiu [Photo via Facebook]

South Sudan lawmaker Buay Keake Turoal speaking during function in Bentiu [Photo via Facebook]

JUBA – A South Sudan lawmaker at the Transitional National Legislative Assembly is urging Unity state governor Joseph Nguen Manytuil to avoid encouraging divisions among people of Unity state, after two army commanders previously loyal to vice-president Taban Deng Gai declared their defection in Unity state to President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Yesterday, Major-General Biel Matueh and Colonel Hoth Lor issued a statement declaring their intention to defect to join Kiir’s side, accusing Taban of corruption, lack of vision and nepotism.

The two commanders had met Joseph Nguen prior to their defection.

In a statement this afternoon, Buay Keake Turoal, a lawmaker representing Rubkona County in the TNLA, said he was surprised to see the Unity state governor at the declaration of defection, saying such moves contravene the spirit of peace in the country.

“I want to state that the officers who claimed to have defected are purely military officers who were officially integrated into the SSPDF since 2018 and has no moral authority to issue statement on behave of Leek or the people of Rubkona county whatsoever and should not mislead the public,” Buay said in the statement seen by Sudans Post.

“I am also surprised to see our Governor Dr. Joseph Manytuil who committed himself to work for reconciliation, under the banner of “Bentiu first” in front of people of Bentiu celebrating and holding hands with the SSPDF officers who claimed to have defected from the same army in order to rejoin the same army is retreat from his own pronouncement,” he added.

Buay further said vice-president Taban is a committed member of the ruling SPLM faction, urging Manytuil to avoid working to encourage divisions among natives which he said may jeopardize the ongoing environment of peace in the state.

“Their unfortunate defection and the statement points to the fact that the two lack basic political alphabet and simply allowed themselves to be used in a political war of no benefit to them. The Vice President is a committed member of SPLM and those who want to read the agreement upside down need to seek for clarification,” he said.

“I call upon the Governor, Hon. Manytuil to use this opportunity to unite the people of Unity State instead of encouraging more divisions,” the lawmaker concluded.

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