List of potential South Sudan state governors

Photo: South Sudan Governors of 32 states speaking to the media

Photo: South Sudan Governors of 32 states speaking to the media

JUBA – South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit and SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar yesterday reached a consensus on the allocation of the states.

The agreement saw SPLM-IG taking six states of Unity, Central and Eastern Equatoria, Lakes, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap.

The SPLM-IO led by Dr. Riek Machar takes the states of Upper Nile, Western Equatoria, and Western Bahr el Ghazal.

South Sudan Opposition Alliance was given the state of Jonglei.

Speaking to Sudans Post this morning, a senior government official said the parties have submitted their nominees to the president.

The official who refused to be named submitted a list of the would-be state governors as follow:


Below are the names of the South Sudan state governors:

1 – Hon. Victor Atem Atem Agok for Warrap state (SPLM-IG).

2 – Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang for Unity state (SPLM-IG).

3 – Hon. Ali Juma Malou for Central Equatoria (SPLM-IG).

4 – Lt. Gen. Mangar Buong for Lakes state (SPLM-IG).

5 – Hon. Madam Rita Lobong Lojore for Eastern Equatoria (SPLM-IG).

6 – Hon. Deng Deng Akuei for Northern Bahr el Ghazal (SPLM-IG).

7 – Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony Thabo for Upper Nile state (SPLM-IO).

8 – Madam Hon. Grace Joseph for Western Equatoria (SPLM-IO).

9 – Hon. Governor Gen. Salah for Western Bahr el Ghazal (SPLM-IO).

10 – Hon. Dinay Jock Chagor for Jonglei state (SSOA).


Below are the names of South Sudan chief Administrative Areas:

1 – Hon. Sarah Deng Alor Kuol for Abyei (SPLM-IG).

2 – Gen. David Yau Yau for Greater Pibor (SPLM-IG).

3 – Hon. Mabek Lang for Ruweng (SPLM-IG).


  • Nasir Duoth Lam

    I personally appreciated the step taken by waring parties to reach the final deal.
    South Sudanese have suffered for a long time if this could an agreement that may last for long will be a chance for South Sudanese citizens both at home and in diaspora to come together and genuinely work on common interests of their future generations.

  • The list looks unofficial

  • Bech

    Its good but let’s br Ken to rush out to celebrate it. The resolution was between Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar where was the other members of the Presidency?

    It was a Tremendous step but I think something is still holding up the process of the implementation of the agreement specially the issue of states and it need the whole presidency to agree on it all together instead of playing a chess game. People of Southsudan are tired.

  • the list is not correct we don,t want old face in warrap

  • The list is somehow. Thank for coming to the conclusion.

  • John stev

    I don’t think Ali juma malfoy will be back

  • Joseph Majak Machar

    I appreciated the stems taken by both parties for nominating state governors ,I wish them success in their various states.

  • That may be a true dream but where is power sharing in three administrative areas?

  • I greed for implementation but idisagreed why splm(io) take the upper Nile state?

  • PRB

    If the both parties have a power sharing they should shared three administratives areas as well. this arrangment was not good enough.

  • Gatmai Wak

    So it might be a good step to all south Sudanese people to have their governors on place ,let’s be hopefully that thing are In place ,,we all encourage the others party to hold the same spirit,

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