Malong says decision to suspend him from SSOMA “null and void”

South Sudan former army chief an leader of South Sudan United Front/Army - SSUF/A, General Paul Malong Awan speaking to the press in 2016 in Juba [Photo by unknown]

South Sudan former army chief an leader of South Sudan United Front/Army – SSUF/A, General Paul Malong Awan speaking to the press in 2016 in Juba [Photo by unknown]

JUBA – The South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A) led by General Paul Malong Awan has said that decision by two leaders of South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) to suspend its membership is “null and void.”

SSOMA is a holdout opposition consortium comprising of South Sudan National Democratic Alliance (SSNDA) led by General Thomas Cirilo, Malong’s SSUF/A, and Pagan Amum’s Real-SPLM. It is not a part of the revitalized peace agreement and the group’s leaders are currently in a peace process with the government in Rome.

On Friday, a statement was issued by SSOMA suspending the Malong-led group for allegedly opening separate communication channels with the mediation of Sant’Egidio which it said undermines “spirit of comradeship and trust” within the Alliance.

In a statement this afternoon, Nyamach Nyang, the acting spokeswoman of the holdout opposition group, said the SSUF/A does not recognize the decision saying none of the leaders of the Alliance was in the meeting in which the SSUF/A was allegedly suspended.

“Reference to the unsigned document titled “SSOMA-LC Suspends SSUF/A with immediate effect” dated 25th September, 2020, SSUF/A would like to inform its supporters at large, regional and international community as well as the media houses that SSUF/A does not recognize the aforementioned letter to suspend SSUF/A in the Alliance activities,” Nyang said.

Because of several reasons mentioned, the group said it “considers the letter null and void,” the statement extended to Sudans Post added.

The statement said that the “SSOMA Leadership Committee did not meet and table the issue in their Ordinary LC meeting. If a SSOMA- LC Ordinary meeting was held, Real SPLM, SSNDA and SSUF/A leaders were not present to make a unanimous approval, therefore the majority vote should come from two against one leader in accordance to the Hague Declaration. The SSOMA-LC members are Gen. Paul Malong Awan, Gen. Thomas Cirilo Swaka and Gen. Pagan Amum. ”

The group further denied in the statement the accusations labeled against it saying “SSUFIA as a SSOMA member did not breach any communication channel or the spirit of comradeship and trust within the Alliance as indicated in the letter, it is the work of peace spoilers.”

“We assure you that SSUF/A is still an active member of South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance (SSOMA) and claims by spoilers should be dismissed. South Sudan United Front/Army under the leadership of Gen. Paul Malong Awan is committed to Rome Peace process as part of SSOMA to achieve a sustainable peace through addressing the root causes to the conflict.”

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