Ministry of interior denies selling national documents to foreigners  

Lt. Gen. John Akot, the Director General of Nationality, Civil Registry, Passport and Immigration speaking to reporters during a press conference at the directorate's headquarters in Juba on Thursday [Photo by Awan Achiek/Sudans Post]

Lt. Gen. John Akot, the Director General of Nationality, Civil Registry, Passport and Immigration speaking to reporters during a press conference at the directorate’s headquarters in Juba on Thursday [Photo by Awan Achiek/Sudans Post]

JUBA – South Sudan’s ministry of interior has denied that it is selling national documents to foreigners after social media claims that the directorate of nationality at the ministry if selling national certificates to foreigners for $100.

Lt. Gen. John Akot, the Director General of Nationality, Civil Registry, Passport and Immigration told Sudans Post in an exclusive interview at the directorate’s headquarters in Juba on Thursday that the claims are not true.

“I have not heard of this. South Sudan can’t be sold out with a hundred dollar, these cases are not there because there are procedures in place,” he said.

General Akot however admitted that the directorate had last year arrest some criminals who he said were found selling out national documents as well as residency permits  to foreigners.

“We found a group of criminals operating last year in Nimule and we apprehended them. They used to print false documents such as nationality. They were found and our team managed to arrest them,” the top police officer said.

“If you find any foreigner with South Sudanese nationality, it will not be a real nationality, it must be a false one,” he added.

He advised the public to report any non-national found with South Sudanese nationality to the Directorate of Nationality, Passport and Immigration.

“If you find any one, don’t leave him, get his name and come to me. We will send our crime officer and summon him to our office,” he advised.

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