NAS claims four SPLA-IO soldiers arrested by Congolese army after crossing border

South Sudan and Congo in a map [Photo by BBC]

South Sudan and Congo in a map [Photo by BBC]

YAMBIO – South Sudan’s National Salvation Front (NAS) led by General Thomas Cirilo Swaka is claiming that four members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA) led by First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny have been arrested by the Congolese army after violating the neighboring country’s territorial integrity following an unprovoked attack on NAS.

In a statement extended to Sudans Post this evening, the holdout opposition group accused the South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) and the SPLA-IO of continued aggression against their areas of control in the country’s Central Equatoria region.

“The Leadership of National Salvation Front (NAS) informs its members, supporters, the people of South Sudan and members of International Community about the latest violation of Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA) by the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) and Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition SPLA-IO in Central Equatoria State,” the statement signed by Suba Samuel Manase reads in part.

“On 9th September 2020, the SSPDF and SPLA-IO carried out joint military attacks on NAS positions at Laiza and Agabe, Morobo County, Central Equatoria State. The enemy conducted two (2) deliberate attacks on NAS positions killing one soldier and wounding two others. The enemy was repulsed twice by gallant NAS combatants. Four (4) of the enemy soldiers were killed in action and several others wounded,” the statement claims.

The statement said “three (3) AK 47 rifles and one (1) RPG launcher were captured in good working condition.”

The statement further said and another group from the SPLA-IO attackers crossed deep into the Congolese territory and four of them were arrested by the Congolese authorities, a claim that Sudans Post could not verify.

“The second group of the enemy crossed into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and went on rampage terrorizing Congolese citizens and South Sudanese Refugees. They plundered villages torching huts, looting animals, food and household property,” the statement said.

“They then went deeper into DRC by more than three (3) kilometers to the villages of Ukupadiku, Alekate and Udukuny. They burned more than thirty (30) grass thatched huts after looting and displacing South Sudanese civilians who have taken refugee along the DRC-Republic of South Sudan common border.

“The Congolese authorities intervened and arrested four (4) SPLA-IO soldiers. NAS assures its members and the people of South Sudan that we shall stand resolute in adhering to our noble mandate of self-defense and of protecting the innocent civilian lives and their property.”

The rebel group which is not a signatory to the revitalized peace agreement further reiterated its commitment to teh ongoing Rome process and the ceasefire agreement it signed with the government in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in December 2017.

“NAS reiterates its commitment to the Cessions of Hostilities Agreement (COHA) signed on 21st December 2017 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, and to the Rome Declaration signed on 12th January 2020 in Rome Italy. NAS however, reserves the right to self-defense,” the statement concluded.

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