Opposition commander allied to Machar resigns, says he is being attacked

SPLM-IO chairman Dr. Riek Machar Teny attending a meeting of the parties with United Nations delegation in October 2019 [Photo by unknown]

SPLM-IO chairman Dr. Riek Machar Teny attending a meeting of the parties with United Nations delegation in October 2019 [Photo by unknown]

YAMBIO – A South Sudan main armed opposition commander is saying that he has resigned from the SPLA-IO led by the country’s First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny saying he is also being attacked.

General James Nando, the SPLA-IO’s Division 9B commander told Sudans Post that his positions have came under attacks by SPLA-IO forces following his declaration of his intention to abandon the Machar-led group.

“Well I have in fact left the [SPLA] IO, but I haven’t attacked as you are quoting those reports,” General Nandoh said on phone from Juba.

“Since I declared my intention to leave the SPLA-IO, I have been in Juba and have not ordered my troops to attack the SPLA-IO forces in Western Equatoria,” the opposition commander added.

General Nando further accused the SPLA-IO forces of attacking him because of his political stance and his decision to leave, threatening to retaliate.

“I have been attacked several time. This is not going to continue,” he said, warning “every SPLA-IO action will have its own consequences.”

Nando however could not confirm of he has joined the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) or he would join the holdout opposition group, saying “this will be revealed in due course.”

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