PRESS RELEASE: German Development Cooperation – 12 years of successful programming in the Water and Sanitation Sector

Germany's ambassador to South Sudan, Amb. Manuel Müller. [Photo courtesy of the German Embassy in Juba]

Germany’s ambassador to South Sudan, Amb. Manuel Müller. [Photo courtesy of the German Embassy in Juba]

JUBA – The programme “Development of the Urban Water and Sanitation Sector (DUWSS)” is holding its closing ceremony on Wednesday, 2 December 2020 from 10:00am-2:00pm at the AFEX Restaurant in Juba.

DUWSS has been implemented by GIZ South Sudan on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 2008. Working with local partners in Juba, Yei, Yambio, and Torit, the programme focused on securing affordable water and sanitation services for the population.

Since 2012, the programme has assisted in the establishment of three public water utilities in Yei, Yambio and Torit and has provided financial support and technical assistance to the operation and maintenance of these facilities.

Today, 60.000 people are benefitting from this sustainable and affordable public water service. In addition, toilets and handwashing stations were constructed at schools, providing 20,000 school children with access to adequate sanitation facilities.

In 2020, DUWSS also took action to help counter the Covid-19 pandemic in South Sudan. As an example, the public water supply was extended, public sanitary facilities built and awareness was raised around Covid-19 safety measures at water kiosks and via radio transmission.

Key programme measures, such as supporting public utilities and school WASH activities, will continue under the newly commissioned programme “Strengthening resilience for pro- poor basic services in South Sudan (REBASE)”. This programme has been implemented since 2019 by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The closing ceremony will be hosted by the German Ambassador to South Sudan, Manuel Müller, together with Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Hon. Manoah Peter Gatkuoth, and GIZ Country Director South Sudan, Maik Schwarz.

In attendance will be members of the Board of Directors and Management of the water utilities in Yei, Yambio, Torit, and Gumbo as well as representatives from DUWSS implementation partners. Covid-19 safety measures will be observed during the event.

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