Rome meeting ends with deal to disseminate ceasefire, Cirilo to name representatives to CTSAMVM   

Government representative, Dr. Barnaba Marial and SSOMA's General Thomas Cirillo Swaka at Saint Egidio headquarters in Rome. [Photo by AFP]

Government representative, Dr. Barnaba Marial and SSOMA’s General Thomas Cirillo Swaka at Saint Egidio headquarters in Rome. [Photo by AFP]

JUBA – South Sudan parties attending a ceasefire workshop organized by the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) in the Italian capital Rome have agreed to disseminate the 2017 ceasefire which they recommitted to in January this year, according to a communiqué seen by Sudans Post.

The communiqué signed by government representatives and their SSOMA-TC counterparts also deliberated on the representation of the hold out opposition alliance in the ceasefire monitoring mechanisms of the CTSAMVM.

“The parties agreed that, in accordance to paragraph 8.2 of the Rome Resolution, SSOMA be represented in all the CTSAMVM structures in equal numbers as the other warring parties, as follows: CTSAMVM Board, CTSAMVM Technical Committee (CTC) Headquarter level, Sectors Level,” the communiqué seen by Sudans Post reads in part.

It said the holdout opposition alliance agreed to submit names of its representatives to the ceasefire body by January 1, 2021, and has also agreed to cooperate with CTSAMVM in accordance with the ceasefire agreement.

“SSOMA shall submit to CTSAMVM Secretariat the names, location of all their nominees to the CTSAMVM structures above, in accordance with the implementation matrix timeframe,” the communiqué said.

“SSOMA undertakes to fully cooperate with CTSAMVM, and in furtherance of this cooperation, SSOMA hereby designates General Samuel Khamis Lankiri Lado as its contact person with CTSAMVM Secretariat.

“The parties agree that SSOMA shall start the inclusion into the CTSAMVM structures starting from January 01, 2021.

“CTSAMVM and IGAD shall facilitate the deployment processes and the Mediation shall supervise the implementation of this workshop outcome.

“The parties agree to disseminate the CoHA, sensitize and train all their forces or armed groups under their command and control to ensure full compliance, and undertake to hold their forces accountable for any violations.”

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