S. Sudan businessman and interior minister’s son denies joining Machar

Businessman and son of interior minister Mathiang Paul Mayom Akec [Photo courtesy]

Businessman and son of interior minister Mathiang Paul Mayom Akec [Photo courtesy]

JUBA – South Sudan businessman Mathiang Mayom Akec has revoked his decision to join the main armed opposition group, SPLM-IO, led by the country’s First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

Mathiang Mayom Akec, son of South Sudan’s interior minister and the CEO of Mustard Şeed Co. Ltd, a multi-purposes business entity  based in Juba and Lakes, on Tuesday said in a statement on his Facebook page that he had joined the SPLM faction under Kiir has failed, and declared his decision to join Machar.

However, in a surprise move, Mathiang denied he has moved to the Machar-led camp and condemned the rumors saying he has been a SPLM support since high-school time and cannot leave during the last moment.

“I have been a member of the SPLM since I was at school and cannot leave the people’s party at the last minute when we are making change in the country’s economy,” Mathiang was quoted by the Juba-based al-Watan newspaper.

“So, these reports are untrue and I condemn them in the strongest term possible,” he added.

Mathiang further accused some within the ruling SPLM faction of “working to spread sedition and sow hatred in order to reach positions.”

Mathiang further urged other opposition groups who have not signed the revitalized peace agreement to “urgently join the peace ride in order for it to be a comprehensive peace.”

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