S. Sudan ceasefire monitors urge end to GBV

Maj. Gen. Teshome Gemechu Aderie, Chairman of CTSAMVM [Photo by Sudans Post]

Maj. Gen. Teshome Gemechu Aderie, Chairman of CTSAMVM [Photo by Sudans Post]

JUBA – South Sudan ceasefire monitoring body is calling on the parties to the revitalized peace agreement to ends all forms of gender-based violence against women in the world’ youngest nation.

This call was made during the CTSAMVM non-political stakeholders’ consultation workshop on the implementation of gender provision in the peace agreement in Juba on Monday.

“Your represent a potential powerhouse in influencing the peace process, in particular the important gender provisions of affirmative action, including the prohibitions against acts and forms of sexual and gender-based violence and the parties’ obligation to protect the needs of women and girls,” Major Genaral Teshome Gemechu, CTSAMVM chairperson said.

On the 24th of June, 2020, a joint statement on ending gender-based violence was issued by South Sudan’s Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, and UNFPA South Sudan.

According to UNFPA, there is still an increase in the reporting of sexual and gender-based violence cases and in particular intimate partner violence perpetrated against women and girls, including children.

There have been repeatedly reports in Juba and in different parts of the country of rape including gang rapes and intimate partner violence and this is only going to increase as the pandemic increases the vulnerability of the whole population due to COVID-19.

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