S. Sudan diplomat Gordon Buay says ‘something fundamentally wrong’ with Machar

South Sudan diplomat and Charge D'affaires' in Washington Gordon Buay Malek [Photo via Facebook/Moderated by Sudans Post]

South Sudan diplomat and Charge D’affaires’ in Washington Gordon Buay Malek [Photo via Facebook/Moderated by Sudans Post]

JUBA – South Sudan diplomat and the country’s charge d’affaires at South Sudan embassy in Washington, Gordon Buay Malek, has said that there is something which he said is fundamentally wrong with the SPLM-IO, led by the country’s First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

The South Sudanese diplomat said in a piece of statement he extended to Sudans Post on Thursday that “One does not need to be a rocket scientist or a political guru to know that something is fundamentally wrong with the way the SPLM IO is playing politics in South Sudan.”

“There is something which is not adding up when you read the “RESOLUTIONS OF THE SPLM/SPLA (IO) 6TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE”. Paragraph 19 of the Resolutions “demands that IGAD  officially release H.E. Dr.  Riek Machar’.”

He continued: “By reading Paragraph 19 and seeing the signature of Dr. Riek Machar at the end endorsing the entire document, you begin to wonder where these people called IOs come from. Either the IOs are aliens from another planet or they are Neanderthals who lost touch with commonsense. Any human being with sharp analytical brain  will ask the following questions: Dr. Riek Machar is under house arrest as confirmed by paragraph 19, then, is R-TGONU working? If Riek Machar, who is the 1st VP, is under house arrest, then,  what is the status of the implementation of the agreement?

“How would the world view the implementation of R-ARCISS if the 1st VP of South Sudan is saying that he is under house arrest?

“Can the international community donate money for the implementation of the agreement whose 1st VP is under house arrest? In paragraph 7, the resolutions “calls upon the parties and RTGONU to expeditiously convene an international donor conference to raise funds to support the implementation of the Agreement”. Which country can pledge funds to a government whose 1st VP claims to be under house arrest?”

“In paragraph 6, the Resolutions ‘calls upon RTGNU to establish a fund for the peace implementation, and urges the government to make direct allocation from oil and non-oil revenue to such fund and be independently managed’. If the 1st VP of the RTGONU claims to be under house arrest, who will allocate funds for the peace implementation?

“In contradiction of what paragraph 19 says, paragraph 3 ‘appreciates, despite many challenges, the role played by the peace implementation mechanism in pushing forward the implementation of the Agreement’. If the implementation of the peace agreement is going very well as stated by paragraph 3, the question is: Why would the SPLM IO still argue that their Chairman, who is the 1st VP, is under house arrest?

“The Nuer prophet Ngundeng needs to return to save the SPLM IO from itself because it is proving to the World that it is an organization of intellectually disabled political aliens who lost touch with commonsense. In paragraph 24 of their Resolutions, the organization ‘Reaffirmed that there is no any alternative to building sustainable peace other than the R-ARCSS and decides that the SPLM/SPLA (IO) shall remain seized of its implementation'”.

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