S. Sudan oil production dramatically declines to 165,000 barrels a day

Unity Oilfield in South Sudan's Unity state [Photo credit is unknown]

Unity Oilfield in South Sudan’s Unity state [Photo credit is unknown]

JUBA – South Sudan’s oil production has dramatically declined from 185,000 barrels per day to 165,000, according to the country’s undersecretary in the ministry of petroleum, Awou Daniel.

“If we expect any increase, it will not be more than 5-10% maximum. It is not easy for us to go back to the previous 300,000 bpd because of the geological challenges. We understand there is a natural decline and oil reserve is limited,” he said.

Chuang said, besides other factors the extraction is facing geological challenges as many oil fields are producing more water than oil. He said the country is now planning to procure the right technology to see if more oil can be extracted.

“Our production has dropped to 115,000-118,000 bpd in Dar and then in three GPOC blocks it is around 50,000 BPD, which adds up to 165,000 bpd all over the country,” he said.

After a five-year disruption caused by civil war, the country expecting to boost crude production to 350,000 pd, the pre-war level.

According to the senior government official, besides COVID-19, floods in many parts of the country have also affected the oil fields.

“Usually these floods will always affect the production because at times when the oilfields are flooded, some wells get covered with water, which affects their production. It is not possible to access to those wells when water is there,” said Chuang.

He said the country was working to conduct an environmental audit and has invited several foreign companies, which will be screened this week.

“They will come and bid and then we will select the best one. These are international companies that will do the environmental audit. We have to get the right company so that we can restore the environment to its initial status,” said the top ministry official.

The country is still hopeful to replenish its reserves and begin production in other 14 blocks.

“We have around 14 blocks other than the areas that we are producing. We are working every day to collect data and then do the mapping, which will help us to open the licensing rounds. The licensing round is to invite new bidders, new players in South Sudan so that we can explore oil in other areas. There is a very big potential to discover more oil in other areas across South Sudan,” he said.

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