Senior police officer threatening to kill over piece of land in Renk

Renk town [Photo via Radio Tamazuj]

Renk town [Photo via Radio Tamazuj]

 JUBA –  A senior officer of the South Sudan Police Service (SSPS) in the two of Renk of the country’s Upper Nile state is threatening to kill a local resident over a dispute on a piece of land that he is trying to snatch, the Eye Radio reports.

In October, Wad Hussein  Deng, 40, opened a court case against a police captain, Diing Ador Fiot, who works for the traffic police in Renk, over a dispute on a piece of land who he said the traffic police officer was trying to take by force.

Wad Hussein said the police five days later, the head of legal administration of the defunct Northern Upper Nile state asked the police commissioner to investigate the accused, after lifting his immunity. However, Hussein said that captain Ador threatened to kill him in front of officers at Renk police station.

“He removed a pistol and threaten to kill me in front of several people,” Hussein said, adding that the dispute is over a farm land of 500 acre number 36 in Renk County.

“We did our legal procedure and the prosecutor wrote to the police. But up to now, nothing has happened. That plot is a farm. It is number 36,” he added.

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