South Sudan COVID-19 cases close to 60 as six more people test positive

File: South Sudan’s First Vice President and deputy chairperson of the high-level coronavirus taskforce on COVID-19 Riek Machar Teny speaking during at a press conference in Juba in March announcing the first confirmed COVID-19 case

JUBA – The number of coronavirus cases in South Sudan is closed to sixty (60) as the country’s high-level taskforce on coronavirus said six more people have tested positive for the virus.

This, according to the taskforce, brings the total number of those infected with the virus in the world’s youngest country to 58.

“The public health laboratory on Tuesday 5th [of May 2020] released 162 test results out of which six cases were confirmed positive and 156 tests turned negative,” Dr. Richard Lako, who is the Director-General at the Ministry of Health told reporters after a meeting of the taskforce.

The meeting was chaired by First Vice President Riek Machar who is also the deputy chairperson of the high-level task force on the virus.

“The confirmed cases are among South Sudanese citizens who have been approved to travel to states from Juba,” Lako said.

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