South Sudan gov’t accuses Uganda of occupation

File: South Sudan army spokesman Lul Ruai Koang

File: South Sudan army spokesman Lul Ruai Koang

JUBA – South Sudan government has accused the neighboring Uganda of occupation after four members of South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) were killed during clashes today with the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) at a border village.

This afternoon, the Ugandan local official accused the SSPDF of encroachment in an area in Uganda and in response, the UPDF were deployed leading to the “minor clash” between the two countries’ army.

“Following the public outcry, the UPDF soldiers at Goboro detach went for patrol at Fitinambaya trading centre in Maru village on May 30 and that resulted into the clash,” Yousif Taban, the chairperson of Kochi sub-county council was quoted by the Uganda Daily Monitor.

Separately, South Sudan army spokesman Maj. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang confirmed the incident and accused the southern neighbor of occupation.

“Four from SSPF and one from the National Police service were on foot patrolling along the border with Uganda to monitor the movement of people who are crossing illegally into the Republic of South Sudan and to enforce the directives on the prevention of coronavirus,” he was quoted by the Eye Radio.

“They had stopped at a place called Buya to drink some water and UPDF opened fire on them killing four on spot and wounded a fifth serviceman,” he added.

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