South Sudan holdout opposition group denies it attempted to steal army’s salaries

Members of South Sudan People's Defense Force [Photo by unknown]

Members of South Sudan People’s Defense Force [Photo by unknown]

JUBA – South Sudan National Salvation Front (NAS), one of rebel forces that refused to join the revitalized peace agreement signed in September 2018, has denied accusation by South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) that it tried to steal salaries meant for the army’s forces in Central Equatoria state last month.

On Monday, SSPDF spokesman Major General Lul Ruai Koang said rebel forces loyal to the General Thomas Cirilo-led NAS attempted to steal the army’s salaries after a surprise ambush on a vehicle carrying salaries for the army in Central Equatoria state.

General Lul said in that statement that the NAS attack dated August 23, 2020 was motivated “by greed to steal salaries and food rations meant for own soldiers. 2. Lack of commitment to Rome Declaration and escalation of low scale operations for publicity stunt. Continuous attacks on own forces is tantamount to rattling King Cobra.”

However, in a statement on Thursday afternoon, the NAS dismissed the army’s accusation and said it was a propaganda that is meant by SSPDF to cover up its atrocities in several parts of the Central Equatoria state.

“The SSPDF Spokesman issued a flawed press statement on 31st August 2020 with false claims that NAS forces ambushed their administrative vehicle delivering salaries and food ratio to their base at Miles 55, killing four (4) soldiers,” the statement extended to Sudans Post reads in part.

“The truth is that, it was an internal convert operation carried out by SSPDF soldiers. According to our reliable sources inside SSPDF HQs in Juba, these soldiers are part of elements that are disgruntled and demoralized because of lack of salaries and services. Their message was to Kiir’s regime to either pay them their salaries else mutiny or more of such action may be witnessed in the coming day,” the statement claimed without providing evidence.

The statement further warned its members, the people of South Sudan as well the international community “about the propaganda of the South Sudan people’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) aimed to cover up the truth about its futile aggression on NAS positions and to smear the image of NAS.”

It further questioned where the alleged salaries would come from saying it was “public knowledge that the regime of Salva Kiir has looted and emptied the state coffers including the Central Bank of South Sudan.”

It claimed that only “the Tiger Division, National Security and Mathiang Anyoor militia which is the private army of the President Salva Kiir receive salaries in south Sudan. The rest of the forces have not received salaries  for the last eight (8) months and this situation brought about this internal rivalry and counteraction.”

“The SSPDF command was unable to justifiably explain what exactly happened; hence their delay in reporting this incident for one week as they were frantically looking for a cover-up story.

“In its continuous flagrant violation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) and war on civilians, on 29th August 2020, the SSPDF looted and burned two civilian lorry delivering food aid to displaced communities in Lainya County. The road ambush took place at a close distance to the SSPDF detachment on the road.

“Some of the relief items on that lorry were observed at Kulipapa SSPDF detachment being consumed by the military personnel. This attack by SSPDF is a plot to deny the delivery of humanitarian aid to the displaced communities in Lainya to stop the leakage of credible information on violations committed by SSPDF in Lainya and some parts of Yei areas.

“NAS reiterates its commitment to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) signed on 21st December 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and to the Rome Declaration signed on 12th January 2020 in Rome, Italy. NAS however, reserves the right to self-defence.”

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