South Sudan president reportedly considering return to 32 states

South Sudan president, Salva Kiir Mayardit [Photo via Getty Images]

South Sudan president, Salva Kiir Mayardit [Photo via Getty Images]

JUBA – South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit is reportedly considering to return the world’s youngest country to the controversial thirty-two states which were annulled in mid February after a four-year opposition outcry, according to two senior government officials.

Kiir, one official said, told a meeting of the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) on Saturday night that he had given SPLM-IO leader, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, several ultimatums to choose a different person for governor of Upper Nile state instead of General Johnson Olony, only for Machar who is also the First Vice President to play down those requests.

“There was a meeting of the Jieng Council of Elders on Saturday and President Salva has made it very clear to the people who attended the meeting that he want to return the country to thirty-two states,” the official said.

The official said the implementation of the agreement is also being fragmented by the disagreement of Apadang community of Upper Nile state over their rejection of General Johnson Olony and some communities have already expressed their disapproval of the February 15 decision to return the country to ten (10) states.

“As you have seen the reaction of the citizens of some counties of Upper Nile states against that decision [to return to ten states], this is affecting the implementation of the agreement and any way forward must base on the 32 states for a successful implementation of the revitalized peace agreement,” the official said.

Kiir’s decision to return the country to ten states was very surprising for many as the South Sudanese head of state has in several occasions ruled out the possibility of abolishing the 32 states he created between October 2015, and January 2017, saying it is a popular demand of the people of South Sudan.

Since June this year, Kiir and Machar have been on loggerheads over General Johnson Olony who was nominated by the SPLM-IO for governor of Upper Nile state as Kiir rejected his appointment claiming he is a dividing factor among the communities of the oil-rich state communities.

President Salva Kiir’s spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny refused to comment, and has not responded to several phone calls and emails inquiring the controversial matter.


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