SPLM-IO official urges women to rally behind Machar

South Sudan First Vice President and SPLM-IO chairman Dr. Riek Machar Teny [Photo via Getty Images]

South Sudan First Vice President and SPLM-IO chairman Dr. Riek Machar Teny [Photo via Getty Images]

JUBA – A senior South Sudan main armed opposition official is urging women in the world’s youngest country to rally behind First Vice President and SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny, saying the prominent opposition leader respects women more than his rivals.

Dut Majokdit, a member of the SPLM-IO National Liberation Council, said in a statement extended to Sudans Post that the SPLM-IO is the only political force that has respected women’s 35% affirmative action provided for in the revitalized peace agreement.

“I urges South Sudanese women to participate on the political struggle the SPLM/A-IO under the charismatic and visionary leader His Excellency Dr Riek  Machar, where Women are Considered and respected Much than any Political party in South Sudan,” Majokdit said.

“The peace Agreement has given South Sudanese women in Addis Ababa Ethiopia during the negotiation the 35% affirmative action that was stipulated in  R-ARCSS. It’s only the people’s struggle SPLM-IO that’s implementing the 35% in the country,” he added.

He further said the revitalized agreement “gives the SPLM-IO nine ministerial portfolios and three deputies, the Movement has nominated three women as National Ministers, Gender, Health and defence, And now deputy interior will Follow.”

“The ITGONU should respect the Peace Agreement and do the Same but they failed Miserable to do so, they decided to  eliminated women in Favor of Some Men which they see that are important than Strong women that are in the SPLM-IG.

“On the allocation of the States Governors and their deputies Governors, the SPLM-IO had three States Governors and three deputies Governors. Sarah Cleto as Governor for Western Bhar El Ghazel and Mary as the deputy Governor for Eastern Equatoria State.

“National Parilament and States including  States Ministers and Chairpersons of the independent Commissions with their Members, County Councilors and all the Positions that are allocated, the SPLM-IO has definitely Implemented 35% Per the Peace Agreement.

“It’s the time for South Sudanese women to Joined the SPLM-IO to Participate on this Political Platform to Fight for their rights and good System of Governance in this country under Dr Riek Machar Teny, Chairman of the SPLM-IO and First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan.”

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